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Melania Trump says Donald Trump 'knew my position and beliefs' on abortion 'since the day we met'

Melania Trump says Donald Trump 'knew my position and beliefs' on abortion 'since the day we met'
Melania Trump says Donald Trump 'knew my position and beliefs' on abortion 'since the day we met'


Former first lady Melania Trump on Sunday defended her beliefs on abortion, which she detailed in an upcoming memoir and which appear at odds with those of her husband, former President Donald Trump.

[Donald Trump] knew my position and my beliefs since the day we met. And I believe in individual freedom. I want to decide what I want to do with my body. I think I don't want the government in my personal affairs, Melania Trump told Fox News' Maria Bartiromo in a pre-recorded interview broadcast Sunday.

Her remarks come days after the Guardian published extracts from her book in which she wrote: “It is imperative to ensure that women have the autonomy to decide their preference for having children, based of their own convictions, without any intervention or pressure from the government.

Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman's fundamental right to individual freedom, to her own life, gives her the power to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes, she added in her upcoming memoir, Melania.

The former first lady also expressed her beliefs in a promotional video for the book published on X last week.

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I defend. There is undoubtedly no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women have had since birth, Melania Trump said in the video.

Individual freedom. What does my body, my choice, really mean? she added.

Last week, about a month before Election Day, marked the first time the former first lady publicly shared her views on abortion, a particularly important issue heading into November, when Democrats are trying to portray Donald Trump as someone who would seek to ban abortion if elected.

Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump at Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach, Florida on November 15, 2022. Joe Raedle/Getty Images File

In Sunday's interview, Melania Trump responded to questions she faced after going public with her views so close to the election, telling Bartiromo: Well, that wasn't written last week last or last month. This book was written months ago and it was in print months ago. So that was my belief, and it is my belief, and I wanted to put it in the book, because I want to be authentic.

Asked if she was worried that voters would change their minds about her husband because of his views, the former first lady said, “I'm not worried. Everyone has to decide what they want to do.

The former first lady said Donald Trump knew his position would be written in the book, adding: He lets me be who I am and he lets me believe what I believe. He lets me be my own person. And he respects that, and I respect that because I let him be his own person. He has different beliefs and he will do what he believes.

Melania Trump's comments echoed her husband's remarks on Fox News on Thursday, in which he said: “We talked about it, and I said: You have to write what you believe. I'm not going to tell you what to do. You must write what you believe.

She is much loved, he added. People love our former first lady, I can tell you that, but I said, you have to stay true to your heart. I told everyone, you have to go with your heart.

Earlier this week, in an article on Truth Social, Trump said he would veto the abortion ban if one came across his desk as president. Former presidents' views on the issue have constantly evolved.

In May 2023, Trump celebrated the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, writing in a social media post: After 50 years of failure, with no one coming close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade, much to his surprise. of everyone.

And when he was president, Trump called on the Senate to adopt a 20-week limit on abortions that had already passed the House.

Earlier this year, the former president flirted with a 15-week federal limit on abortion. The number of weeks now, people agree on 15, and I think in terms of that, and it will result in something very reasonable. But people, even the most radical ones, agree on a 15-week deadline, which seems to be a number that people agree on, he said in an interview on WABC radio.

And in August, Trump told NBC News that Florida's six-week abortion ban, which was signed into law by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, was too short. Trump added: “More time is needed.

A few days later, he clarified that he would vote this year against a ballot initiative in Florida that would guarantee the right to abortion until fetal viability.




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