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A 4.0 magnitude earthquake shakes the Inland Empire in Southern California

A 4.0 magnitude earthquake shakes the Inland Empire in Southern California


A 4.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the Inland Empire early Sunday morning, shaking homes and businesses and waking up residents across the region.

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at 3:51 a.m. in Ontario. The epicenter of the quake was south of Interstate 60 near Ontario International Airport, at a depth of three miles.

There were no reports of major damage or injuries.

The earthquake was initially recorded at a magnitude of 4.3, then its magnitude was gradually reduced to 4.0. According to the Geological Survey, it was followed by several small aftershocks, the strongest of which was 2.5 magnitude.

Earthquake 4.0

“I'm in Eastville and I was surprised the score was only 4.1! It shook my house violently! It felt like a car had hit the side of my house,” a KTLA 5 News viewer posted on X, previously Twitter.

“In Fontana and I felt it. My door shook and I thought someone was knocking on it until the whole house shook,” another wrote.

A USGS impact map shows the relatively shallow quake could be felt in many areas of Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange counties, and possibly as far south as northern San Diego County.

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Thousands of earthquakes are recorded in California each year, but the vast majority of them are incredibly minor. Several hundred of them reach magnitude 3.0, and only about 15 to 20 reach magnitude 4.0 or greater, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

In North America, only Alaska records more earthquakes annually than California.

What to do in an earthquake

During an earthquake, it is important to know the correct steps to protect yourself and minimize injury. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) provides detailed guidance on what to do during such events. Here are the main points:

Drop, Cover, and Stick:

Drop: Immediately get down on your hands and knees. This position prevents you from falling and allows you to stay low and crawl to safety if necessary.

Cover: Use one arm to protect your head and neck, and if possible, take cover under a sturdy table or desk. If no shelter is available, get down next to an interior wall away from windows. Stay on your knees and bend to protect your vital organs.

Wait: Hold on to your shelter until the shaking stops. Be prepared to move with your shelter if it changes.

Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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