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British Jews have become more attached to Israel since October 7, a new poll has found.

British Jews have become more attached to Israel since October 7, a new poll has found.


British Jews have become more attached to Israel since the October 7 Hamas attack, according to a new report, but a minority say the war in Gaza has weakened ties with the Jewish state.

The proportion of people who said they were very or somewhat attached to Israel increased from 73% in 2022 to 78% this summer, and 49% felt their attachment had grown since October 7, compared to 19% who said they had become less attached. It was %.

Jonathan Boyd, report author and executive director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), wrote: Many people express criticism of the way the Israeli government has waged the war and handled the hostage crisis, but for most people Israel is more important to them now than it was before October 7.

One year since October 7: British Jewish views on Israel, anti-Semitism, Jewish life, Jewish Policy Institute

However, two in five British Jews believe Israel's conduct of the war conflicts with Jewish values, compared to 51% who do not.

Nearly two-thirds (62%) felt the Israeli government did not do enough to release the hostages, and more than half (52%) felt it did not do enough to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.

Most Jews said they felt ashamed of Israel at some point after October 7. 31% felt very or somewhat proud of their country, 25% felt somewhat proud of their country, 54% felt proud or somewhat proud of their country, and 18% felt somewhat proud of their country.

Overall, the report found small but notable changes in the British Jewish community.

There are higher levels of emotional attachment to Israel, increased importance for Israel as a component of modern Jewry, and a heightened priority for philanthropy.

But over the past year, many people have felt less hopeful and more anxious. Nearly six in ten (59%) agree that public and media criticism of Israel makes Jews feel unwelcome in the UK.

Belief in the possibility of a two-state solution fell from 77% in 2010 (15% opposed) to 54% in 2024 (33% opposed).

And during the same period, belief in the health of Israeli democracy plummeted from 80% to 52%.

Most respondents believed the IDF acted within the bounds of international law, compared with 36% who did not. However, more people thought the Israeli military had not done enough to protect Palestinian civilians, compared to 48%.

One year since October 7: British Jewish views on Israel, Antisemitism and Jewish life, Jewish Policy Institute

Denominational differences clearly affect attitudes. In general, mainstream and Orthodox Jews tend to have more favorable views of the Israeli government and military and are more politically hawkish than their liberal or unaffiliated counterparts, JPR noted.

Although Jews generally preferred Labor to the Conservatives in this general election, they nevertheless trusted the Conservatives much more than Labor on anti-Semitism and Middle East issues.

On a scale of 0 to 10, 46% give the Conservatives a rating of 5 or higher on their ability to combat antisemitism, compared to 37% for Labor. In the Middle East, the Conservatives won 49%, while Labor won just 28%.

Many British Jews feel somewhat under siege.

In June and July this year, JPR sampled more than 4,600 British Jews.

One surprising finding is that a majority, 81%, believe non-Jews are responsible for Israel's actions (compared to 66% in 2010).

The proportion of people who feel attached to the Jewish community has increased to 67%, compared to 61% four years ago. And while nearly two in five (39%) say they have felt closer to their Jewish friends, nearly a quarter (25%) say they have felt less close to their non-Jewish friends over the past year.

Dr. Boyd said: “The way Israel, the war and the wider conflict are reported, expressed and discussed in public forums leaves many British Jews feeling like they are living in a country where they feel under siege. It is a more hostile, less understanding, and less accepting place than most people have ever experienced before.

As a result, they are turning inward to find solidarity that comes from Jewish friends and community.

There were reports of increased synagogue attendance in the aftermath of the October 7 midterm, but this trend does not appear to have been significantly evident over time.

The proportion who think they are likely to make aliyah in the next five years increased from 10% in 2022 to 14% this year.

Meanwhile, levels of migration from the UK to Israel in the nine months to 7 October increased by 18% compared to the nine-month period in 2022/23, but decreased by 19% compared to the nine-month period in 2022/23. The report referred to the period covering 2021/22.

JPR found that the proportion of British Jews identifying as Zionists rose slightly to 65% from 63% two years ago. However, those who identified as anti-Zionist also increased from 8% to 10%, and non-Zionists increased from 15% to 18%.

Most Jews believe pro-Palestinian protests should be allowed to take place, while 72% do not, and two-thirds (66%) say they will avoid city centers where such protests are held.

More than three-quarters (79%) considered the slogan to globalize Intifada anti-Semitism, 76% from rivers to seas, and 59% said Israel was committing genocide.

More than three in five Jews (61%) believe that universities are not safe spaces for Jewish students.





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