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Fact-checking Donald Trump's claims at Butler rally | US Election News 2024


Former US President Donald Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania, the site of the first assassination attempt against him, on Saturday to rally his supporters just a month before Election Day.

Exactly 12 weeks ago tonight, on this very ground, a cold-blooded assassin aimed to silence me and the greatest movement, MAGA, in the history of our country, Trump said Saturday , referring to his slogan Make America Great Again. .

For 16 harrowing seconds during the gunfire, time stood still as this vicious monster unleashed pure evil from his sniper's perch not far away. But by the hand of Providence and the grace of God, this villain failed to achieve his goal.

At the start of his speech, Trump spoke about Corey Comperatore, a volunteer firefighter who was in the crowd on July 13 and who Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Trump's assassination attempt, killed. One of Crooks' bullets grazed Trump's ear.

A Secret Service sniper killed Crooks.

Trump described Comperatore as a folk hero and called for a moment of silence at 6:11 p.m., the minute the shooting began on July 13. After the break, the bells rang and a singer near the stage sang the song Ave Maria.

Trump's speech included assertions about the Biden-Harris administration's response to Hurricane Helen, illegal immigration and the economy.

We checked it.

Trump claimed illegal immigration was at an all-time low when he left office

Trump: I love this painting. I love this graphic. Isn't that a beautiful thing? But also beautiful because, look at the number, it's the day I left office. It was the lowest border patrol, the lowest ever, on illegal immigration.


PolitiFact has verified the contents of the graphic.

Trump added misleading markings to a chart originally published by Ron Johnson, a senator from Wisconsin.

He also highlighted the low number of encounters with migrants in April 2020 and claimed that was when he left office. But Trump's presidency ended in January 2021.

This period in April 2020 also marked the start of the coronavirus pandemic, when lockdowns and travel restrictions contributed to a decrease in migration.

The graphic also alludes to Trump's claim that millions of immigrants arrived in the United States illegally from jails, prisons or mental institutions during the administration of US President Joe Biden. Immigration experts have said there is no evidence that large numbers of people from prisons or mental institutions are coming to the United States.

Trump calls for $750 in aid for hurricane victims, which is too little

Trump: They're offering $750 to people whose homes were washed away. And yet we send tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries most people have never heard of.

We have rated one version of this statement false.

US Vice President Kamala Harris stopped short of saying those affected by Hurricane Helene would only receive $750 from the federal government.

The $750 is provided through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Serious Needs Assistance program, which covers immediate needs after a disaster, including food, water, infant formula, breastfeeding supplies, medications and other emergency supplies. Through this program, the White House said, FEMA paid more than $1 million to more than 1,400 North Carolina households in one day.

On October 4, FEMA said the Biden administration had provided more than $45 million in initial and flexible funding to survivors of Hurricane Helene. The agency said it provided more than 11.5 million meals, 3.32 million gallons of water, 150 generators and 400,000 tarps to the affected region.

On October 2, in Augusta, Georgia, Harris said FEMA was also funding home repairs and hotel costs.

Hours before Helene made landfall near Perry, Florida, on September 26, Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and announced a new $8 billion security assistance package for Ukraine in his war with Russia. Congress had already appropriated funding for Ukraine.

Supporters arrive before Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania, October 5. [Alex Brandon/AP Photo]
Immigration and crime data

Trump: When you look at the crime, look at the crime, look at the people that are coming. Murderers 13,099 murderers, admitted in the last short period of time.


Trump is referring to a figure from a Sept. 25 letter from Immigration and Customs Enforcement that said 13,099 immigrants convicted of homicide are not in immigration detention. But this data goes back 40 years; it does not specify that these 13,099 people entered the United States during the Biden-Harris administration.

Noncitizens convicted of crimes cannot be detained by immigration authorities for several reasons. On the one hand, they could be detained by law enforcement and serve time in prison.

A 2001 Supreme Court ruling also said people could not be detained indefinitely. This means that people from countries that do not accept deportation flights must be released into the United States.

The greatest economy we've ever had

Trump: The Trump administration has bragged about the best economy we've ever had.


Under the Trump administration, the unemployment rate fell to levels dating back to the early 1950s. But gross domestic product growth under the Trump administration was much lower than in previous administrations. Other indicators, such as wages and business investment, also do not support Trump's claims.

Harris' role in the border control discourse

Harris was named Border Czar, she was in charge of the border.

Mostly false.

This is a repeated misinterpretation of Harris' role. Biden tasked Harris with working with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to resolve migration issues. But managing the border, controlling who and how many people enter the United States, is the responsibility of the Secretary of Homeland Security.

Biden asked Harris to focus on the root causes of migration, including economic hardship, violence, corruption and food insecurity in affected countries.

Claims Harris inflated families' costs by $29,000 per family

Trump: Harris cost you $29,000 per family because of inflation [and] price increases.

Mostly false.

Harris voted to tie the motion to take a final Senate vote on the American Rescue Plan Act 2021, a coronavirus pandemic relief bill. Economists believe the law has contributed to rising inflation, but say supply chain shortages and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 have been the main drivers of the rise.

The $28,000 represents a likely estimate of increased spending on items such as food, housing, transportation and energy. But wages have also increased, offsetting much of the increased costs or, depending on the period, all of them.

Harris' position on ICE

Trump: Harris pledged to abolish ICE.


In 2018, while serving as a U.S. senator from California, Harris said that the function of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) should be reexamined and that we probably even need to think about starting from scratch. But she didn't say there shouldn't be immigration controls. In 2018, Harris also said ICE had a role and should exist.

Trump boasts that the United States has more oil than Saudi Arabia

We have more liquid gold, oil and gas under our feet than any other country in the world, including Saudi Arabia and Russia.


The United States Energy Information Administration reported that Venezuela ranked first in proven crude oil reserves in 2021 with 304 billion barrels, followed by Saudi Arabia, Iran, Canada, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Russia. The United States ranks ninth in the world, with 61 billion barrels.

The United States ranks higher internationally in terms of coal (number one) and natural gas (number four) reserves, according to administration data.

California Claims Banning Voter ID Requirements

Trump: Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom has banned any ID requirements for voting and registering to vote.

Mostly false.

California law already does not require the majority of voters to provide identification when voting in person. Senate Bill 1174, which prohibits local governments from requiring voter ID at polling places, was written in response to a Huntington Beach, Calif., measure that violated state law. 'State.

People registering to vote in California must provide proof of identity. People whose information is not verified must show their ID at polling stations when they vote for the first time. All people registering to vote in California must sign a notice, under penalty of perjury, that they are U.S. citizens.

Trump says Imane Khelif was a man who became a woman

A young lady from Italy, very good boxer, very, very good. She was all excited, but she was playing the role of a person changing from a man to a woman.

Trump's claim that a female boxer became a woman is unfounded.

Trump was referring to boxer Imane Khelif, who competed in the 2024 Paris Olympics. She is not Italian, but Algerian. The decision to allow Khelif to compete in the Olympics was controversial because a boxing organization had already disqualified her due to a DNA test purporting to show she had XY chromosomes. This organization is no longer recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said: “The Algerian boxer was born a woman, was registered as a woman, lived her life as a woman, boxed as a woman, has a women's passport. This is not a transgender case.




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