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Boris Johnson says Tories made 'terrible mistake' | Politics | News

Boris Johnson says Tories made 'terrible mistake' | Politics | News
Boris Johnson says Tories made 'terrible mistake' | Politics | News


Boris Johnson has claimed the decision to remove him as Conservative leader was a “terrible mistake”, suggesting his party acted irrationally when he was ousted in July 2022.

Reflecting on the series of events that led to his resignation, the former prime minister argued his dismissal was the result of what he called an “explosion of irrationality” within the Tories.

He called their decision a “miscalculation,” especially given the party’s current struggle in opposition.

During an interview with GB NewsMr Johnson highlighted the 80-seat majority achieved by the Conservatives under his leadership in the 2019 general election, in contrast to the party's recent struggles.

He said: If you really push me to say it, was it a terrible mistake to kick me out?

“Yes, I think it was and I think it was a blunder.

His departure follows a series of high-profile scandals, including Partygate and the Chris Pincher affair, which triggered mass resignations within his cabinet.

One of the biggest blows came from Rishi Sunak, now the Conservative leader, whose resignation helped set in motion the chain of events that led to Johnson's downfall.

In retrospect, Mr Johnson believes these scandals were overblown, particularly the partygate controversy, which involved illegal gatherings in Downing Street during the COVID-19 lockdown.

In his upcoming book Unleashed, he even retracts the apology he initially offered for Partygate, admitting that he now views his response as pathetic and groveling.

Mr Johnson says he regrets making such an apology, particularly in the face of what he sees as exaggerated accusations that unfairly targeted civil servants working under extreme pressure.

He has since claimed that his blanket apology only fueled public anger, which persisted despite his efforts to explain the situation.

Speaking to ITV News, he defended his position, saying that although he had faced “all the anger and outrage from people” in recent years, he felt much of the criticism was unwarranted.

Asked about his change in tone in an interview with ITV News on Friday, Mr Johnson said: “What I was trying to say there, I think the blanket apology – the kind of apology I I presented from the beginning – I think the problem is that afterwards, all the accusations which then rained down on the civil servants who had worked very hard at Number 10 and elsewhere were accepted as true.

He added: “It cannot be said that I have not been exposed in recent years to the full force of people's anger and indignation.”

Despite the controversies, Johnson highlighted his legacy, highlighting his key achievements such as the successful vaccine rollout during the pandemic.

He suggests that if he had remained in power, the party might not find itself in the current difficult position.

Looking back, he insisted the decision to force him to resign was an error of judgment on the part of the Conservative Party – one he believes they are now paying the price for as they head towards the opposition.




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