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WATCH: Trump holds rally in Juneau, Wisconsin, making 4th visit to state in 8 days

WATCH: Trump holds rally in Juneau, Wisconsin, making 4th visit to state in 8 days
WATCH: Trump holds rally in Juneau, Wisconsin, making 4th visit to state in 8 days


JUNEAU, Wis. (AP) Donald Trump visited Wisconsin on Sunday for the fourth time in eight days as his campaign focuses attention on a crucial state where Republicans worry about his ability to match the enthusiasm and the participation of Democrats.

They say Wisconsin is probably the hardest swing state to win,” Trump said in his opening speech at an airplane hangar in rural Juneau, where the overflow crowd spilled onto the tarmac. “I don’t think so.

Watch Trump's remarks in the player above.

Wisconsin voters are already voting by mail, and in-person early voting begins October 22. Trump remained on stage for nearly two hours, touching the third rail of Wisconsin politics by riding into a Green Bay Packers game, drawing derision from Democrats. But that hasn't stopped thousands from remaining loyal to Trump, who has urged his supporters to start voting by mail and early, when the time comes, so they turn out in record numbers.

If we win Wisconsin, we will win the presidency, Trump said.

Wisconsin is always close in presidential elections, but it has gone Republican only once in the past 40 years, when Trump won the state in 2016. A victory in November could prevent the Democratic nominee Kamala Harris to reach the White House.

In the political chatter class, they're worried, said Brandon Scholz, a retired Republican strategist and longtime political observer in Wisconsin who voted for Trump in 2020 but said he wouldn't vote for Trump or Harris This year. I think Republicans are right to be concerned.

Trump won the state in 2016 against Democrat Hillary Clinton by fewer than 23,000 votes and lost to Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 by just under 21,000 votes.

On Tuesday, Trump made his first-ever visit to Dane County, home to the liberal capital Madison, in an effort to drum up the Republican vote, even in the state's Democratic strongholds. Dane is Wisconsin's second most populous and fastest growing county; Biden received more than 75 percent of the vote four years ago.

WATCH: Trump campaigns at a manufacturing plant in Waunakee, Wisconsin

To win statewide, you have to have a 72-county strategy, former Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, said at the event.

Juneau is a city of 2,000 about 50 miles north of Madison in Dodge County, which Trump won in 2020 with 65% of the vote.

The first arrivals filled the hangar, far exceeding the number of available seats. A large banner behind the bleachers inside read Vote Early.

Make sure we're there because guess what, I've been to Madison, U.S. Rep. Scott Fitzgerald, a Juneau native, said at the event. I went to liberal Madison and they are going to introduce themselves. We must do the same because we are the firewall that keeps this country independent and free.

Jack Yuds, chairman of the county Republican Party, said support for Trump is stronger in this part of the state than it was in 2016 or 2020.

I can't keep the signs, Yuds said. They want everything he has. If it says Trump on it, you can sell it.

Trump's campaign and outside groups supporting his candidacy outspent Harris and her allies on advertising in Wisconsin, between $35 million and $31 million, between the time she became a candidate on July 23 and October 1, according to media tracking company AdImpact.

Harris and outside groups supporting her candidacy had more advertising time booked in Wisconsin from October 1 to November 5, more than $25 million, compared to $20 million for Trump and his allies.

The Harris campaign has 50 offices in 43 counties with more than 250 staffers in Wisconsin, said spokesman Timothy White. The Trump campaign said it has 40 offices in the state and dozens of staffers.

Harris rallied her supporters in Madison in September at an event that drew more than 10,000 people. On Thursday, she appealed to disaffected moderate conservatives by hosting an event in Ripon, the birthplace of the Republican Party, alongside former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, one of Trump's chief Republican antagonists.

WATCH: Harris campaigns with Liz Cheney as Trump repeats false 2020 election claims

Harris and Trump are focusing on Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, the blue wall states that voted for Trump in 2016 and turned to Biden in the next election.

While Trump's campaign is optimistic about his chances in Pennsylvania as well as the Sunbelt states, Wisconsin is seen as more of a challenge.

Wisconsin is a tough state, said Trump campaign senior adviser Chris LaCivita, who worked on Republican Sen. Ron Johnson's winning 2022 re-election campaign.

I mean, look, it's going to be very, very tight, until the end. But where we are organizationally now, compared to where we were four years ago, I mean, it's completely different, LaCivita said.

He also cited Michigan as being more of a challenge. But again, these are states that Biden won and won and so they're going to fight to the end and not give up any of this ground.

The candidates are roughly even in Wisconsin, based on a series of polls that have shown little progress since Biden dropped out in late July. These same polls also show great enthusiasm among both parties.

Mark Graul, who managed President George W. Bush's 2004 campaign in Wisconsin, said the number of campaign visits speaks to Wisconsin's decisive electoral role.

The key for both camps, he said, is persuading infrequent voters to participate.

Much more important, in my opinion, than the rallies, Graul said.

Mark Seelman, of Watertown, said the energy and size of the crowd sends the message that Trump is strong in Wisconsin.

Everybody's in it, he said during Trump's speech. It's time for a change.

Gomez Licon reported from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Associated Press writers Thomas Beaumont in Des Moines, Iowa, and Jill Colvin in Butler, Pennsylvania, contributed to this report.




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