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Former President Donald Trump to hold campaign rally in Reading, Pennsylvania

Former President Donald Trump to hold campaign rally in Reading, Pennsylvania
Former President Donald Trump to hold campaign rally in Reading, Pennsylvania


Former President Donald Trump was in Pennsylvania on Saturday and isn't done with the battleground state yet. Trump will hold a rally in Reading, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday evening, his campaign announced Saturday.

The former president will likely criticize the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the southern border and inflation.

“With prices up more than 20 percent and real wages falling since Kamala Harris took office, Pennsylvanians are struggling to make ends meet,” a press release reads in part of the Trump-Vance campaign. “Meanwhile, tens of millions of illegal immigrants have invaded our country under Kamala’s leadership, worsening already sky-high rents and real estate costs.”

The rally will take place at the Santander Arena on Penn Street in Reading; doors open at 3 p.m. According to the Trump-Vance campaign, the former president is scheduled to deliver his speech at 7 p.m.

If re-elected president, Trump said he would secure the nation's borders and protect American workers from unfair competition to make America “safe, rich and great again,” according to a campaign press release Trump-Vance.

The Harris-Walz Pennsylvania campaign team released a statement regarding the former president's upcoming visit to Berks County.

“As president, Trump cut more than 275,000 jobs across the Commonwealth, handed out freebies to his ultra-wealthy friends at our expense, and tried to take away our health care,” read a statement from 'Onotse Omoyeni, Pennsylvania Rapid Response Director for Harris for President. in part. “A second term would be even worse: it would raise costs by nearly $4,000 and give more aid to the very rich and big corporations while trying to cut our Social Security and Medicare.”

On Saturday, Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania, for the first time since he was nearly assassinated nearly three months ago. During the rally, Trump paid tribute to firefighter Corey Comperatore, who was killed in the July 13 assassination attempt while trying to protect his family from bullets.

The former president also praised the Secret Service for its protection during the assassination attempt. Billionaire Elon Musk also joined the former president on stage and called the 2024 election “the most important of our lifetimes.”

Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, right, speaks on stage with former US President Donald Trump during a campaign event at the Butler Farm Show in Butler, Pennsylvania, the United States, on Saturday October 5, 2024. Republican candidate Donald Trump rallied supporters at the site of a July assassination attempt, returning to the Pennsylvania scene where a shooter's bullet bloodied his ear and upended the campaign presidential. Photographer: Justin Merriman/Bloomberg via Getty Images Bloomberg

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