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PM Modi mourns the demise of Ratan Tatas: visionary business leader, unwavering commitment to society

PM Modi mourns the demise of Ratan Tatas: visionary business leader, unwavering commitment to society


Ratan Tata died: Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to microblogging platform X, formerly Twitter, to mourn the demise of Ratan Tata, the patriarch of India's largest conglomerate, Tata Group. Tata, chairman emeritus of the automobile-steel conglomerate, died on Wednesday (October 9) at a hospital in Mumbai after being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for age-related illnesses. He was 86 years old.

Shri Ratan Tata Ji was a visionary business leader, a compassionate soul and an extraordinary human being. He provided stable leadership to one of India's oldest and most prestigious business houses. At the same time, his contribution went well beyond the board of directors. He endeared himself to many people through his humility, kindness and unwavering commitment to bettering our society, Prime Minister Modi said in a message on his social platform X.

Follow live updates: Ratan Tata News Live Updates: India Loses an Icon; condolences pour in from PM Modi, Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani

“One of the most unique aspects of Shri Ratan Tata Ji was his passion to dream big and give back. He was at the forefront of championing causes such as education, healthcare, sanitation and animal welfare, to name a few,” PM Modi said. .

Expressing grief over Tata's demise, Prime Minister Modi added: My mind is filled with innumerable interactions with Shri Ratan Tata Ji. I used to meet him frequently in Gujarat when I was CM. We would exchange our views on various issues. I found his perspectives very enriching. These interactions continued when I arrived in Delhi. Extremely saddened by his death. My thoughts are with his family, friends and admirers at this sad time. Om Shanti, PM Modi added.

Read also: Ratan Tata passes away at 86: business tycoon turned philanthropic icon reflects on his life and legacy

Earlier this week, the business mogul said he was undergoing routine medical checkups due to his age and associated health issues. Tata was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai. N Chandrasekaran, Chairman, Tata Group, said in an official statement: “It is with a deep sense of loss that we bid farewell to Mr. Ratan Naval Tata, a truly extraordinary leader whose immeasurable contributions have shaped not only the Tata group but also the very fabric of our nation.

“I extend our deepest condolences to his loved ones on behalf of the entire Tata family. His legacy will continue to inspire us as we strive to uphold the principles he so passionately championed,” Chandrasekaran added.

“I extend our deepest condolences to his loved ones on behalf of the entire Tata family. His legacy will continue to inspire us as we strive to uphold the principles he so passionately championed,” Chandrasekaran added.

Tata became chairman of the auto-steel conglomerate in 1991 and led the group founded by his great-grandfather more than a hundred years ago until 2012. He founded the telecommunications company Tata Teleservices in 1996 and introduced IT company Tata Consultancy Services listed on the stock market. in 2004. After stepping down, he was conferred the title of Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, Tata Industries, Tata Motors, Tata Steel and Tata Chemicals.




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