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Trump plans rallies in solidly Democratic states, an unorthodox strategy for final weeks of election

Trump plans rallies in solidly Democratic states, an unorthodox strategy for final weeks of election
Trump plans rallies in solidly Democratic states, an unorthodox strategy for final weeks of election


Get ready for Donald Trump's blue state extravaganza.

With less than four weeks until Election Day, Trump is expected to hold rallies in staunchly Democratic states where he has virtually no chance of winning. Campaign advisers say it's an unorthodox strategy designed to focus on areas where Democratic policies have failed, but it will also keep him away from the small handful of almost certain swing states to determine the elections.

Over the next month, the former president has events planned in Colorado, California, Illinois and New York. President Joe Biden won these states by an average of 20 points in 2020, with his victory in Colorado by 13 points being the closest. Colorado is the only one of these states to vote for a Republican presidential candidate this millennium, having supported George W. Bush in 2004.

Although each event will take place in slightly different venues, the most notable will take place later this month at Madison Square Garden, a place where Trump has long said he wants to hold a political rally.

Choosing high-impact settings means the media cannot look away and refuse to cover the problems and solutions proposed by President Trump, a senior Trump campaign adviser said on the strategy behind the end-of-year events. election cycle in Democratic states. We live in a nationalized media environment and national media attention to these outsized large-scale contexts increases the reach of its message across the country and penetrates all battleground states.

President Trump is closing the campaign by highlighting the problems the country faces due to Harris and Biden's failed leadership and articulating his solutions to fix the problems they created, the adviser added.

The decision to deviate from the traditional campaign playbook comes at a time when it is almost certain that the race will be decided in places like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Michigan, places that fall within the margin of error in most public polls. and considered winnable for both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

This doesn't sound like a campaign placing its candidate in critical rich or swing voting locations, but rather like a candidate who wants his campaign to hold rallies for optics and ambiance, said longtime Republican Matthew Bartlett.

He called Trump the most unorthodox candidate in modern history, meaning the off-script strategy could have some value.

In 2016, Trump realigned the party to be much more rural and working-class. Now, in 2024, he's trying to expand his voting base along some cultural lines that could eat away at traditional Democratic voting blocs, Bartlett said.

A second Trump adviser said that no matter where Trump holds rallies, he gets a huge following online, including in swing states, and there is confidence within the campaign about his chances, which he said them, carries a certain risk.

We are certainly optimistic about our prospects as a whole, the advisor said.

Some Trump supporters have argued that traveling to parts of the country not traditionally visited by Republican presidential candidates could have a sort of tail effect, helping to boost struggling Republicans in tough races. None of the states Trump is traveling to have competitive Senate races, but there are a handful of competitive House races in a year where that chamber's majority will likely be decided by a razor-thin margin.

In California, House District 40 is represented by Republican Young Kim and House District 41 is represented by Republican Ken Calvert, both competing in contested races in the Los Angeles media market alongside Coachella, where Trump will hold his gathering. .

In New York, Rep. Mike DEsposito won Nassau County's 4th District in 2022, but it is a Democratic-leaning seat and was won by Joe Biden by 15 points in 2020. The seat flip has played an important role in helping Republicans gain a majority in the House. in 2022.

The fact that we were able to win seats thanks to President Trump's aggressive travel plan is a testament to the well-orchestrated and effective campaign plan that aims to unify all Americans, said Ed McMullen, a Trump donor who served as ambassador to Switzerland under the Trump administration. .

It is a well-planned effort to reach and win key seats, he added.

Bartlett, the veteran GOP consultant, agreed.

Some of those spots could help influence House races, he said.

The strategy of venturing into decidedly blue areas of the country is, however, subject to some preemptive pushback.

Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez, a Democrat, issued a statement lambasting Trump after he announced he would hold a rally in the city.

Trump's attacks on immigrants, women, the LGBTQ community and the most vulnerable among us do not align with our community's values, he said. He has always expressed disdain for the type of diversity that helps define Coachella.

Hernandez added that the city was proud to host Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., when he ran for president as a Democrat in 2020.

The stop in Aurora had long been promised by Trump after he spread debunked rumors earlier this year that Venezuelan gangs were invading the city, including taking over an apartment complex. Trump's claims put Colorado's third-largest city in the national spotlight and make it a key part of his anti-illegal immigration message, which is a central tenet of his campaign.

Trump's claims were refuted by local police and Republican Mayor Mike Coffman, who called them inaccurate.

Even so, Trump's stop in Aurora will undoubtedly once again place the city in the national debate over immigration.

Aurora, Colorado, has become a “war zone” due to the influx of violent Venezuelan prison gang members, the Trump campaign said in a statement announcing the event.

The Chicago stop will feature Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, at an event hosted by Bloomberg at the Economic Club of Chicago.

Meanwhile, hosting a rally at Madison Square Garden in the majority-Democrat Manhattan neighborhood has long been on Trump's wish list. He has already mentioned the idea of ​​a rally in this emblematic place, particularly at the start of this electoral cycle.

For the native New Yorker, this is comfortably home ground, even if not politically.

A person familiar with the planning said the campaign has been working on a garden rally since the primary season.

“With 27 days to go, nothing is unintentional,” said Tricia McLaughlin, a Republican Party strategist who worked on businessman Vivek Ramaswamy's 2024 presidential campaign. “It could be an optical game to play with crowds. Or a psychological game with large crowds on the Democratic field.”

“Or maybe there is one there,” she added. “When I saw the New York rally, I asked myself, 'Is New Jersey at stake?'”




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