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Erdogan responds to problem solving with…

Erdogan responds to problem solving with…
Erdogan responds to problem solving with…


ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded to a question Wednesday about resolving issues with the country's pro-Kurdish party, as efforts continue to repair relations.

After a meeting of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), the president asked whether it was possible to restart the peace process. Erdogan replied: “Ask Ruya,” referring to Ruya Akkus, a journalist for the pro-government, AKP-affiliated TV channel A Haber.

“Don't wait for further measures, but let's maintain a moderate atmosphere,” Aktus said, and Erdogan seemed to agree with the remark.
Devlet Bahceli, leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), an ultranationalist ally of the AKP, made an unprecedented gesture on October 1 by greeting members of the Party for People's Equality and Democracy (DEM), pro- Kurdish, in parliament. Bahceli reached out to DEM party co-chairman Tuncer Bakirhan and MPs Sezai Temelli, Pervin Buldan and Sirri Sakik.

“We are entering a new era. If we want peace in the world, we must first establish peace in our own country,” Bahceli later told reporters.

“As I extended my hand, I offered: 'Come, join the Turkish political system and fight terrorism.' This gesture is a message of national unity and fraternity,” he reiterated during an MHP meeting earlier this week.

The DEM party is regularly accused of being the political wing of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a Kurdish group founded in 1978 that declared war on the Turkish state in 1984. The group initially called for the establishment of an independent Kurdistan, but now calls for autonomy. It has been declared a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States, the European Union and several other countries. This year it was declared a banned organization by the Iraqi government.

“We appreciate Mr. Bahceli's statements and we hope that the opposition will understand the meaning of the MHP's message,” Erdogan said on Wednesday, welcoming Bahceli's gesture.

Aysegul Dogan, spokesperson for the DEM party, on Tuesday praised Bahceli's gesture as “very valuable” but said “it is still too early to comment.”

In 2013, the AKP government began peace talks with the PKK, paving the way for an unprecedented opening towards the country's Kurds. Kurdish politicians were able to speak freely about their rights, a previously taboo subject. Peace talks, mediated by the DEM party's predecessor, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), failed in 2015 and were followed by intense urban fighting in Kurdish areas in the southwest of the country.




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