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Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin hit back at Donald Trump

Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin hit back at Donald Trump
Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin hit back at Donald Trump


The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin didn't take kindly to Donald Trump's recent nasty insults, lashing out on their Today show with smiles and dagger-like responses.

Watch the segment below.

In case you missed Trump's statements, the former president took time out of his rally in Pennsylvania yesterday — the day Florida was devastated by Hurricane Milton — to verbally attack the View co-hosts in response to the show's interview with Kamala Harris on Tuesday.

Referring to Hostin's question to Vice President Harris about whether she would do anything differently than President Joe Biden, Trump said, “I think the other one asking the question is dumber than Kamala.” She's a model. I have observed her over the years. She's an idiot… she's a stupid woman.

And about Goldberg: “I hired Whoopi to work for me as a comedian,” Trump said at the Pennsylvania rally. “His mouth was so foul that every word that came out of his mouth was like the F-word. I was with a group of nice people. We had to leave. She was so dirty, dirty, disgusting. Oh, what a loser she is.

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Let's start with Goldberg's answer:

“At the end of the day, I was dirty,” the famous comedian said bluntly. “I was dirty and I stand by that fact. And you knew it when you hired me. I headlined, baby, about your casino which I might have continued to play if you hadn't brought it down. How stupid are you for hiring me four times without knowing what you were getting? How stupid are you?

Goldberg then upped the ante: Noting that she “never grabbed anyone by their genitals,” the View moderator said, “There's a difference between people who assault other people and people who say words you don't want little kids saying in church.”

Hostin also had his say. In a lengthy and fiery denunciation, Hostin said: “Donald Trump, I want to thank you for personally telling so many lies and committing so many crimes and providing us with material on a daily basis. You help us do our job and I am very grateful to you. Thanks to people like you, a former prosecutor and legal expert can become a staple on a show like this, and once again, I'm very grateful.

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“I admit that I may not have spent as much time in a courtroom as you have. I also received an award of excellence from the Department of Justice. You remember the Department of Justice, right? This is the agency that has been chasing you for decades.

“And like Vice President Kamala Harris, I have a history of prosecuting sex offenders, so thank you for keeping people like us in business.” And as for stupid questions, you're always welcome here and answer them if being so close to a prosecutor doesn't make you nervous. I'll even give you a free View mug, not to be confused with a passport photo.

The other View co-hosts also got in on a few shots. Responding to Trump's recent comment on a podcast that he's “basically a decent person,” Joy Behar joked, “And basically I'm a 29-year-old natural redhead.” »

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Toward the end of the segment, Goldberg said, “Here's the real thing that everyone needs to be aware of.” That's what irritated him, not what's going on, the hurricanes and all kinds of things that are happening in our country. But we irritated him to the point where he has to admit that he watches The View, something we all knew. So when you hear people say, “I don’t watch that show,” they’re lying. »

Goldberg concluded by telling those affected by Hurricane Milton, “Don’t listen to anything. [Trump] said because it gives you bad information. She directed people to The View website for information about FEMA and hurricane relief and support services.

'THE VIEW' CO-HOSTS CALL ON TRUMP ATTACKS: After the former president rambled at his rallies about our interview with the vice president. Harris and made statements about his professional past with our Whoopi Goldberg, #TheView co-hosts respond.

– The View (@TheView) October 10, 2024




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