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Royals 'furious' Boris Johnson reveals Queen's battle with cancer

Royals 'furious' Boris Johnson reveals Queen's battle with cancer
Royals 'furious' Boris Johnson reveals Queen's battle with cancer


Royal family furious Boris Johnson reveals Queen Elizabeth's cancer battle
Source: MEGA

Boris Johnson discussed Queen Elizabeth's health in his memoirs.

October 10, 2024, published at 10:52 a.m. ET

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Royal family furious Boris Johnson reveals Queen Elizabeth's cancer battle
Source: MEGA

Boris Johnson served as Prime Minister from 2019 to 2022.

I had known for a year or more that she was suffering from a form of bone cancer, and her doctors feared that at any moment she might experience a precipitous decline, Johnson wrote in her memoir discussing their final meeting.

She appeared pale and more hunched over, and she had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, probably from drips or injections,” he added.

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Royal family furious Boris Johnson reveals Queen Elizabeth's cancer battle
Source: MEGA

Queen Elizabeth met Donald and Melania Trump in 2019.

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According to an insider, the famous brood is furious about the project.

It's terribly upsetting for everyone in the family, the source told a media outlet. They may not berate him in public, but behind closed doors they fume.

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Royal family furious Boris Johnson reveals Queen Elizabeth's cancer battle
Source: MEGA

One author claimed that Queen Elizabeth called Donald Trump rude.

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To make matters worse, ALL RIGHT! previously reported that a former royal employee claimed King Charles was embarrassed by the posthumous rumors about his mother and Donald Trump confront each other.

“What will King Charles think when he sees this kind of incendiary thing come to the fore? Email? He'll probably be very annoyed by this, won't he? » Patrick Christys asked the former royal gardener Jack Stooks on GB News.

“Oh absolutely. I don't understand why anyone would want to destroy the late Queen's way of life,” Stooks responded.


Queen Elizabeth II

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Royal family furious Boris Johnson reveals Queen Elizabeth's cancer battle
Source: MEGA

Queen Elizabeth died in September 2022.

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Craig Brown alleged that Elizabeth was discouraged by Trump's behavior A journey around the queenbut the claims implied that Elizabeth had broken protocol behind closed doors.

Throughout her career, she has been extraordinary. And for someone to try to start some kind of flames… It's not right to do that, especially for the monarchy right now. They're dealing with so much,” Stooks said.

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Brown claimed Elizabeth remained perplexed by Trump's marriage to Melanie Trump.

“A few weeks after President Trump’s visit, for example, she told a lunch guest that she had found him.”very rude“She particularly didn't like the way he couldn't help but look over his shoulder, as if he were looking for other, more interesting people,” Brown told a media outlet.

“She also thought that President Trump 'must have some sort of arrangement' with his wife. Melaniewhy else would she have stayed married to him?” he said of what Her Majesty thought of the couple.

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Stooks believed it was inappropriate for Brown to discuss Elizabeth's interactions with foreign dignitaries after her death.

“I think that's absolutely the case, [disrespect her memory.] There appears to be no motive or reason for this to have happened,” Stooks said of the accusations. To suddenly start asserting this about someone who died without allowing him to defend himself and say , well, actually, wait a minute, that's not quite what was said…”

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Due to Stooks' closeness to The Crown, he criticized Brown's project.

We know what the Queen was like as a person. We know that during her reign, she never made a mistake,” Stooks noted. “So why would she suddenly get to a point in her life where she's suddenly like, Oh, let's make a mistake? “

It's not something she would do. It’s just ridiculous,” the former staffer added.




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