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What does the Employment Rights Bill mean to you?

What does the Employment Rights Bill mean to you?
What does the Employment Rights Bill mean to you?


Introduced new workplace rights to end unfair employment practices and promote economic growth.

Our employment rights legislation bans exploitative zero-hours contracts, stops dismissal and re-employment, introduces basic employment rights such as maternity and parental leave, and protects against unfair dismissal. It also introduces the right to bereavement leave from day one.

This bill will help boost wages and productivity by replacing outdated employment laws with legislation suited to the modern economy.

This is the biggest upgrade to workers' rights in a generation and an important step towards delivering on the government's plans to pay wages.

Basic rights from day one

We have implemented measures to provide employees with basic rights from the first day of their new job.

Our new legislation will provide greater protection against unfair dismissal from day one, ensuring workplace security is no longer a luxury for the privileged few.

Weare has also introduced a new statutory probationary period for new hires to the company. This will allow you to properly assess an employee's suitability for the role, as well as reassure them that they have their rights from day one. We will contact you regarding the period. The government's preference is 9 months.

The Bill will establish rights to bereavement, paternity and paternity leave from day one, strengthen statutory sick pay, remove the earnings floor for all workers and shorten the waiting period before sick pay begins.

Our new bills and legislation include:

It protects against unfair dismissal from day one and allows employers to run probation periods.

Set up parental and bereavement leave from day one.

Exploitative 0-hour contract termination

End unscrupulous practices, fire, rehire, fire and replace.

Where practical, make flexible working the norm.

Provide stronger dismissal protections for pregnant women and new mothers.

Establish a new Fair Work Agency with new powers to enforce holiday pay.

Strengthening statutory sick pay

End unfair practices

Our new laws will end exploitative zero-hours contracts and unscrupulous firing and hiring practices.

Workers can remain on a zero-hours contract if they wish, but our new legislation means they are entitled to a guaranteed hours contract if they work regular hours over a defined period.

Rooting out unscrupulous employment practices is a top priority for this Government. And this bill will close loopholes that allow harassment, rehire, fire and replace practices to continue.

A fairer, more flexible workplace

As part of the Bill, introduce new measures to help make the workplace more compatible with people's lives. This includes making flexible working the default where practical.

Large employers will be required to take steps to promote gender equality, including support for employees through menopause, and strengthened dismissal protections for pregnant workers and those returning from maternity leave.

This is all aimed at keeping people in jobs longer, increasing employee retention, reducing recruitment costs for employers, and helping the economy grow.

It would also establish a new Fair Work Agency, bringing together existing enforcement agencies to enforce rights such as holiday pay and support employers seeking guidance on how to comply with the law.




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