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Wimbledon will kick out linesmen and turn to AI instead

Wimbledon will kick out linesmen and turn to AI instead
Wimbledon will kick out linesmen and turn to AI instead


No British summer is complete without dozens of tennis fans flocking to Wimbledon venues.

The scene has remained largely unchanged since 1877, with two players on a grass court separated by a net, ball boys or girls and judges surrounding them, and line judges carefully watching and waiting to call.

That has been the norm for almost 147 years.

However, the historic tournament will undergo a significant overhaul from next year as Wimbledon will no longer have line judges peering over the game in a move to AI.

The automated electronic line calling system (ELC) will be used on all Wimbledon competition courts.

The All England Lawn Tennis Club, home to the Wimbledon venue, said on Wednesday it had decided to switch to ELC after a important period of consideration and consultation.

We take our responsibility to balance tradition and innovation at Wimbledon very seriously. Line umpires have played a central role in our championship leadership line-up for decades, AELTC chief Sally Bolton said in a statement.

Line umpires oversee the men's singles tennis match
Line judges have been part of Wimbledon since 1877.


The move is part of an upgrade to an existing tool, the Hawk-Eye challenge system, which the tennis championship has used for almost two decades. Normally around 300 linesmen are involved in the tournament, standing with their eyes on the field to decide whether a ball is in or out.

As one of the four Grand Slam tournaments, Wimbledons games have long followed standards, even when there are new balls introduced.

The shift from a centuries-old tradition to a more modern system would help maintain the high standards of the championship, which human line judges could otherwise influence. The times reported.

ELC has been used ly in previous tournaments, especially during the pandemic. Wimbledon, which attracted more than half a million guests in 2023, will be the last high-profile championship where the automated system is used, after the Australian Open and US Open.

An automated system from next season would also mean players may no longer be able to challenge decisions, due to the precision of the technology. The chair umpires will still be present.

Disputes between players and judges have become common and do not always end well. For example, Serena Williams was fined $10,500 for lashing out at one of the judges during the 2009 US Open semifinal.

John McEnroe, an illustrious American tennis player, has previously been in the crosshairs of line judges. He has advocated the sport to embrace technology and its advanced features for at least a decade.

The new changes will not change anything for players, AELTC's Bolton reaffirmed.

For the players, it will offer them the same conditions under which they have played at a number of other events on tour, she said.

AI has made progress in sports in more ways than one. During this year's Paris Olympics, the technology was used in a number of ways, including searching game clips and creating digital twins of competition locations to aid planning. AI has also become an important part of identifying and training talent in sports such as football and rugby.

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