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U.S., Vietnam Deepen Defense Cooperation > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

U.S., Vietnam Deepen Defense Cooperation > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News
U.S., Vietnam Deepen Defense Cooperation > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


Defense cooperation and shared security interests in Vietnam have grown, said Jedidiah P. Royal, principal assistant secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs.

On September 9, 2023, President Joe Biden visited Hanoi, Vietnam, where the two countries took steps to elevate their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership encompassing, among other things, cooperation in a range of “diplomatic, economic and defense industrial activities,” said Royal: who spoke today at the American Institute of Peace's 3rd Annual Dialogue on Legacies of War and Peace in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

On September 9, one year later, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III reaffirmed the United States' commitment to continuing to strengthen ties with Vietnam during his meeting with Vietnamese Defense Minister Dr. General Phan Van Giang at the Pentagon.

Austin said the United States remains focused on overcoming the legacy of war as the two countries continue to build on the recent elevation of U.S.-Vietnam relations toward a comprehensive strategic partnership.

A key element of defense cooperation is continuing to address the aftermath of the Vietnam War, including accounting for those missing in action, both American and all Vietnamese combatants, as well as cleaning up agent Orange and eliminating unexploded ordnance, Royal said.

In addition, approximately 700,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance have been removed, Royal said, while raising awareness among the local population of the dangers of unexploded mines.

Currently, Vietnam has helped identify 700 Americans killed during the war and repatriate them to their families to be buried with full military honors, he said.

“These activities generate trust between our nations,” Royal said.

Today's efforts include strengthening the resilience of the industrial base and strengthening Vietnam's maritime awareness and defense capabilities, he said.

Vietnam welcomed the visit to Cam Ranh Port, Vietnam, of the flagship of the US 7th Fleet, USS Blue Ridge, and US Coast Guard Cutter Waesche in July, he noted.

Vietnam also hosted a Pacific Partnership multilateral mission and a Pacific Angel humanitarian response mission in August, he added.

The nations of the Indo-Pacific region and the United States converge around enduring beliefs: “Respect for sovereignty and international law, the free flow of commerce and ideas, freedom of navigation in the skies and seas , equal dignity for every person and peaceful freedom. resolving disputes through dialogue, not coercion or conflict,” Royal said.




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