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Myopia epidemic: Why it's important for children to reduce screen time

Myopia epidemic: Why it's important for children to reduce screen time
Myopia epidemic: Why it's important for children to reduce screen time


Myopia epidemic: Why it's important for children to reduce screen time

In today's technology-driven world, where screens are a part of daily life, new infectious diseases are spreading rapidly. childhood myopiaor myopia. This trend is alarming. It's not just a small problem that causes dependence on glasses. It affects eye health by increasing the risk of. eye disease like glaucoma and retinal detachmentParents, educators, and health professionals must prioritize addressing this emerging problem.

Increase in myopia in children

Myopia. A refractive error that causes blurred vision at a distance and requires glasses to achieve good distance vision. The alarming trends associated with childhood myopia cannot be ignored. Some studies predict that by 2050, almost half of the world's population could suffer from myopia. In India, the incidence of myopia in children continues to increase, and in parallel, the incidence of myopia in children is also increasing. screen time. This trend has become especially evident since the COVID-19 pandemic and the advent of online classes.

Effects of screen time

While genetic factors are the most important factor in the development of myopiaenvironmental factors such as more widespread use of screens and limited time outdoors are the main culprits. Children spend more than half of their waking hours indoors looking at screens, completing school assignments or watching their favorite programs. Natural light promotes eye health, controls growth, and prevents eyeball elongation.
Effects of early-onset myopia
Complications of myopia extend beyond visual acuity. If the onset of myopia begins early in life, it can increase the risk of developing eye problems such as glaucoma and retinal detachment later in life. Additionally, correcting myopia using corrective lenses from an early age has an even more psychological impact on the child, with certain sports and other activities that can affect the child's self-esteem and quality of life. may limit young people's participation in
What can you do?
Parents also play an important role in preventing and managing myopia in children. Avoiding excessive screen time, encouraging frequent and regular breaks from nearby activities, and taking children out to play can go a long way in slowing the rate of myopia progression. Schools could develop curricula that encourage classroom practices that are easy on the eyes, with frequent pauses for screen time. Regular eye exams are also necessary to monitor changes in vision and intervene early.
Essentially, we cannot afford to ignore today's most vexing public health problem: epidemic myopia. And if we collectively make a conscious effort to reduce screen time and spend more time outdoors, we can actually protect our children's vision and thereby ensure their future well-being. You can.
(Article provided by Dr. Sameer Kaushal, Director of Organ Transplant Ophthalmology, Artemis Hospital)

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