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Defense? Luke Altmyer doesn't need a stinking Illinois football defense

Defense? Luke Altmyer doesn't need a stinking Illinois football defense
Defense? Luke Altmyer doesn't need a stinking Illinois football defense


When someone searches for the definition of a tale of two halves, the box score of the Illinois football game against Purdue appears.

I'm not sure I've ever experienced such an emotional rollercoaster with the Illini in my life. There was a point where I thought the program was on the verge of an easy win over the Boilermakers. It was called halftime.

Midway through the third quarter, those good feelings turned to the thought that defensive coordinator Aaron Henry would be fired. Later in the fourth quarter, I finally caught my breath as Illinois led by two scores with less than five minutes to go.

Things got out of hand again when Purdue got the onside kick. The Boilermakers scored a touchdown to go ahead with less than a minute left, and I thought that was the end of what could have been a special season. Everything was over.

Illinois then tied the game to go to overtime, which was exciting. When Purdue scored their touchdown and decided to go for a two-point conversion, I was on the verge of a heart attack. Illinois hadn't stopped Purdue the entire second half, so why would that change?

However, that did happen. Illinois stopped Purdue's two-point conversion. Honestly, this win against a 1-5 Purdue team felt like we had just won a College Football Playoff game. I was delighted. Illinois gave up 49 points and still came away with the win.

That elation couldn't have happened without Luke Altmyer. Can you imagine what the score would have been with an Illinois quarterback from the 2010s? It would have been an ugly match.

Other than the one fumble where he attempted a miracle play, Altmyer played a flawless game. In fact, I think this was Altmyer's best game he's ever played in his college career.

Altmyer's career doesn't last that long. He didn't get many opportunities at Ole Miss, and he dealt with a few injuries last season with the Illini. But this boy from Mississippi is coming into his own.

On Saturday, Altmyer threw for 379 yards and three touchdowns against Purdue. He also had 60 yards and a touchdown on the ground. So he was responsible for 439 yards and four touchdowns.

In the 16 games he has thrown at least 10 passes, Altmyer has not been able to surpass the mark he set on Saturday. Coming into the game, his best passing game was against Florida Atlantic last season when he threw for 303 yards.

When it comes to total yards, Altmyer's best was that same play as he had one yard rushing to give him a total of 304 yards in that game. That was his highlight while competing in the Purdue game.

That previous high was not only broken, but also smashed to smithereens. He eclipsed his previous high distance mark by 135 yards. Altmyer's four total touchdowns also ties his career high.

In addition to having the best game of his career, Altmyer also etched his name in Illinois football record book. His total offensive yardage of 439 single-game ranks No. 10 all-time in program history.

Illinois was on the brink of one of the most embarrassing losses in program history. Instead of walking away from the game with a loss, Altmyer put the Illini on his back and carried us to a victory. He produced the best game of his career and one of the best performances by an Illini quarterback in program history. What an incredible performance from this legendary marksman.

5 stressful observations from Illinois football's victory over Purdue. dark. Next. 5 stressful observations from Illinois football's victory over Purdue




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