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PM Modi pays surprise visit to PM GatiShakti Anubhuti Kendra in Delhi

PM Modi pays surprise visit to PM GatiShakti Anubhuti Kendra in Delhi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid a surprise visit to Prime Minister GatiShakti Anubhuti Kendra at Bharat Mandapam in Delhi, on the third anniversary of its launch.
The Anubhuti Kendra showcases the main features, achievements and milestones of PM GatiShakti.
The Prime Minister appreciated the progress made in planning and execution of projects across the country due to the impact of Prime Minister GatiShakti. He welcomed its adoption across all sectors, which accelerates the realization of the vision of a Viksit Bharat, a government statement said.
Prime Minister Modi also visited the ODOP Anubhuti Kendra and appreciated the progress made by the ODOP initiative in helping in selection, branding and promotion of products from various districts across the country.
Prime Minister Modi earlier welcomed the completion of 3 years of Prime Minister GatiShakti's National Master Plan.
Through the National Master Plan, 156 infrastructure gaps related to first and last mile connectivity issues in major sectors of the economy, such as coal, steel, fertilizers, ports, food and public distribution, etc., have been identified by the relevant ministries and departments. Thanks to digital surveys, project preparation is now faster and more accurate. The Ministry of Railways has planned more than 400 railway projects in just one year and 27,000 km of railway lines, the statement said.
According to the statement, the Network Planning Group (NPG) synchronizes the efforts of all ministries to ensure coherent infrastructure development. With 81 NPG meetings held, 213 projects worth Rs 15.48 lakh crore were appraised.
Through PM GatiShakti, last mile connectivity gaps are being assessed to ensure smooth movement. It truly symbolizes a “whole of government” approach with 1,529 data layers belonging to 44 central government ministries and 36 states and UTs already integrated. Regional workshops and capacity-building initiatives have facilitated its wider adoption, he says.
In addition to infrastructure development, the social sector is another key area of ​​intervention. 45 lakh PVTG (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups) (11 Lakh households) were mapped across 29,000 habitations using a mobile application linked to over 1,500 layers of GIS data.
PM GatiShakti helps in planning the location of Anganwadi centers effectively. This helps to focus on Anganwadi centers with greater nutritional needs. More than 10 lakh Anganwadi centers have been mapped on the national master plan. It was also used to identify prominent industries in districts for delivery of district-specific skills courses by schools. PM Shri Schools have been mapped on PM Gati Shakti Portal to identify other nearby schools based on geospatial information to anchor other nearby schools.
The PM GatiShakti framework has been presented on various international platforms to promote international collaboration. International collaborations are encouraged and MoUs on knowledge sharing are underway with Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, he adds.




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