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President visits J99 Corp booth at TEI 2024

President visits J99 Corp booth at TEI 2024
President visits J99 Corp booth at TEI 2024


JAKARTA, – J99 Corp is part of Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2024 at ICE BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, from October 9 to 12, 2024, showcasing manufacturing and trading companies. President Joko Widodo, who officially opened TEI 2024, stopped and interacted at the two stands, accompanied by Minister of Commerce Zulkifli Hasan.

In the manufacturing sector, J99 Corp. brought a cosmetics manufacturing factory and skin care as well as body carePT Kosmetika Global Indonesia or Kosmesia. Meanwhile, for the commercial sector, brand MS Glow Beauty skincare and beauty products were the main highlight brought by J99 Corp to the exhibition initiated by the Ministry of Commerce.

In his speech to opening ceremony The TEI 2024 president said that local producers must optimize digital methods to take advantage of all the opportunities that exist in the global market. Indonesia must be able to use this momentum to encourage exports and increase its competitiveness in order to penetrate the global market.

Meanwhile, Ganesya Widya, CEO of J99 Corp, was happy to have the opportunity to directly introduce J99 Corp's two flagship business units in manufacturing and trading at TEI 2024 and meet the President. The Company's manufacturing facilities located in Surabaya, Cikarang and Malang are capable of producing a variety of health care and beauty products.

“This facility has become a preferred production site for many brand local”, he said in an official statement, quoted on Sunday (10/13/2024).

He added that in the commercial area, J99 Corp owns MS Glow Beauty and MS Glow for Men, which have steadily reached the domestic market. He hopes that the company's seriousness and commitment to bringing local brands to the global market will become increasingly known to consumers. stakeholdersso that it can contribute to the economy.

He said innovation is at the heart of J99 Corp's management. Through the two business units presented at TEI 2024, J99 Corp also demonstrated its capabilities and advantages as a local company capable of meeting current industrial needs, from the needs of the B2B market in the manufacturing sector to products that affect customers as end consumers.

He said PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia had implemented the technology internet of things (IoT), where physical devices in factories are connected to the Internet, so they can be used and controlled from anywhere via software without requiring human intervention. As a result, production activities become more modern, more efficient and more operationally economical.

J99 Corp's manufacturing sector, he said, has collaborated with more than 280 brands for six years, registered more than 2,000 new products and manufactured 5 million products. Services range from consultation, product and ingredient determination, to marketing strategies; do para beauty entrepreneur Those who work at Cosmetika Global Indonesia do not need to spend a lot of money to start a cosmetics business.

He added that maintaining customer trust is the main thing to maintain. Through its participation in Trade Expo Indonesia 2024, he hopes that J99 Corp can expand its network and business reach.

Editor: Harso Kurniawan
([email protected])

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