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Foreign interference issues in Burnaby Conservative office

Foreign interference issues in Burnaby Conservative office
Foreign interference issues in Burnaby Conservative office


In brief: Burnaby North Conservative candidate Michael Wu's campaign is attracting support from people allied to the Chinese consulate. James Wu Jiaming and Michael Wu were seen in a 2021 video with a group that helped Liberal Parm Bains upset Conservative MP Kenny Chiu.

Bob Mackin

Two men associated with a campaign that helped Liberal Parm Bains upset Conservative MP Kenny Chiu in the 2021 federal election were photographed with a BC Conservative Party candidate at his campaign office.

Conservative candidate Michael Wu (left), James Wu Jiaming and Pifeng Hu (WeChat)

A photograph circulating on China's state-monitored WeChat app shows Burnaby North candidate Michael Wu with a group of campaign T-shirt wearing supporters including James Wu Jiaming and Pifeng Hu.

Jiaming is executive chair of the Canada-China Cities Friendship Association and Hu is honorary chair of the Canadian Forum for Peace and Development. The latter group advocates for the People's Republic of China to annex democratic and autonomous Taiwan.

Hu was involved in Chinese nationalist protests in August 2019 against democracy advocates in Hong Kong's Lower Mainland. Pro-China protesters waved the Chinese flag, chanted slogans and sang songs to celebrate the Chinese Communist Party.

Neither Wu nor BC Conservative Party headquarters responded for comment.

Wus X bio says: Born in Taiwan. Proud Canadian. Entrepreneur. 17 years with the RCMP (auxiliary).

The Commissioner of Canada Elections (CCE) investigated foreign interference in the federal riding of Steveston-Richmond East, including videotaped pre-election meeting between Bains and supporters of the Chinese Canadian association Goto Vote. Jiaming and Hu were both seen in the video wearing the association's jerseys.

The CCE investigation, filed before the Hogue Commission on Foreign Interference in September, found that officials in the People's Republic of China government provided the impetus and direction for the successful campaign to defeat Chiu and conservatives in 2021.

But investigators said they did not find enough evidence to charge anyone under the Canada Elections Act for undue foreign influence, intimidation, an unregistered third party or use of foreign funds.

Michael Wu also caught the attention of pro-Beijing channel Phoenix TV, which covered the launch of his campaign office in a former Pizza Hut restaurant.

Among those wearing Wu blue shirts were Zheng Yan, president of the Canada Shandong Business Association, who led a delegation from Vancouver to China for Xi Jinping Thought in 2023. Also, the former secretary of the Canadian Alliance of Chinese associations Shumei Lu, former Liberal candidate Karen Wang and Chis Qiu. , former aide to Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim and former opponent of Marpole modular housing.

In a July interview, John Rustad told that Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) personnel arranged to inform him of the foreign interference in early July.

I spent about an hour talking to them about issues. But I will not speak further about what we discussed, Rustad said.

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