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PM GatiShakti changes face of India Infra: Modi

PM GatiShakti changes face of India Infra: Modi
PM GatiShakti changes face of India Infra: Modi


New Delhi: In a surprise move, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited the PM GatiShakti Anubhuti Kendra installed at the Bharat Mandapam on the occasion of the third anniversary of the launch of the PM GatiShakti National Master Plan (PMGS-NMP). He appreciated the progress made in planning and execution of projects across the country through GatiShakti and also welcomed its adoption across sectors, thereby accelerating the realization of the vision of Viksit Bharat.

Earlier in the day, Modi hailed the completion of three years of PMGS-NMP, saying it has emerged as a transformative initiative aimed at revolutionizing India's infrastructure and is bringing about faster development and more efficient in all sectors.

Sharing a message from Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal and a thread posted by MyGov, the Prime Minister wrote on transformation initiative to revolutionize India's infrastructure. faster and more efficient development in all sectors.

“The seamless integration of different stakeholders has strengthened logistics, reduced delays and created new opportunities for several people. Through GatiShakti, India is accelerating the realization of our vision of a Viksit Bharat. This will encourage progress, entrepreneurship and innovation. “.

Earlier, in an article on By streamlining logistics and advancing connectivity, this revolutionary initiative ensures faster and more efficient connectivity. implementation of the project. It continues to play a pivotal role in developing a modern and interconnected infrastructure network, thereby strengthening the vision of building a Viksit Bharat.

The PM GatiShakti Plan was launched on October 13, 2021 to provide multi-modal connectivity infrastructure to various economic zones. The PMGS-NMP integrates infrastructure projects of various ministries and state governments, such as Bharatmala, Sagarmala, Inland Waterways, Dry/Land Ports and UDAN.

According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, this has resulted in numerous achievements in various sectors, significantly improving project planning, speed and execution. He added that Prime Minister GatiShakti had successfully laid the foundation for multi-modal connectivity and accelerated economic growth, bringing synergy across ministries and between states and UTs.

The PMGS-NMP has integrated 44 central ministries and 36 states/UTs, and a total of 1,614 data layers have also been integrated. To ensure data accuracy, key infrastructure ministries have finalized standard operating procedures for a three-tier system.

The ministry said PM GatiShakti was being taken to the international level and diplomatic engagements were underway between India and countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Senegal and Gambia to promote the use of PMGS-NMP and geospatial technology in integrated infrastructure planning.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry has published a special study on the initiative's achievements over the three years. For example, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has planned over 8,891 km of roads using the National Master Plan, while the Ministry of Railways has used it to plan over 27,000 km of railway lines. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG) has streamlined the Detailed Route Survey (DRS) process, reducing the time required to create reports from 6-9 months to just one day using electronic DRS .

Similarly, using the principles of the National Master Plan, a 13 GW renewable energy project from Leh (Ladakh) to Kaithal (Haryana) has achieved optimal alignment of the green energy corridor for interstate transportation. Goa used the PMGS-NMP platform to develop a disaster management plan for flood-prone areas along the Amona River. The Uttar Pradesh government used the State Master Plan (SMP) portal to identify locations for new schools in underserved areas through the Pahunch portal. Gujarat planned its 300 km coastal corridor using NMP, which reduced the number of NoC clearances required for mine clearance from 28 to 13, thereby improving connectivity between four districts while boosting tourism.




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