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[POPULER NASIONAL] Human rights achievements during the Jokowi era

[POPULER NASIONAL] Human rights achievements during the Jokowi era
[POPULER NASIONAL] Human rights achievements during the Jokowi era


JAKARTA, – During the era of President Joko Widodo's administration (Jokowi), the government acknowledged the existence of 12 incidents of human rights violations (HAM) the weight of the past that happened in Indonesia

Not only admitting this, the government also formed a Non-Judicial Resolution Team for Serious Human Rights Violations (TPPHAM) through the issuance of Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 17 of 2022.

It turns out, however, that TPPHAM does not focus on prosecuting the perpetrators of these serious human rights violations.

The TPPHAM serves to resolve the state's obligation to restore victims whose rights have been neglected for a long time, including the right to reparation.

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In the end, the team made 11 recommendations to the government to resolve cases of serious human rights violations in the past. These recommendations aim to restore the rights of victims and prevent similar human rights violations from happening again.

After that, Jokowi formed the PPHAM Monitoring Team based on Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 2 of 2023 Concerning the Implementation of Recommendations for the Non-Judicial Settlement of Serious Human Rights Violations and Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 4 of 2023 regarding the Monitoring Team. for the implementation of the recommendations relating to the non-judicial resolution of serious human rights violations set for March 15, 2023.

1. 10 years of Jokowi, human rights achievements and duties left behind

In addition to the formation of the TPPHAM and the PPHAM Monitoring Team, the Jokowi-era government successfully brought the Painiai case suspects to justice eight years after the human rights violations.

The Human Rights Court in the Paniai case held in Makassar, South Sulawesi was decided on Thursday, December 8, 2022.

Although many were disappointed by the verdict, namely the acquittal of the sole accused Isak Sattu, Jokowi proved that human rights violations can be brought to justice.

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Then, Jokowi also ordered the head of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri), General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to form a task force to combat the crime of human trafficking (TPPO).

The working group was formed in response to the numerous cases of fraud (scam) which resulted in the detention of Indonesian citizens (WNI) in different countries.

However, Jokowi's government still owes a debt to resolve the death case of human rights activist Munir Said Talib.

The reason is that Jokowi promised to resolve the case during his reception with legal experts and practitioners at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta on September 22, 2016.

In front of legal experts and practitioners, Jokowi expressed his commitment to resolving these cases.

“These (cases of human rights violations) require firm action and enforcement of the law,” Jokowi said at the time.




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