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Trump calls Democrats more dangerous than America's foreign adversaries

Trump calls Democrats more dangerous than America's foreign adversaries
Trump calls Democrats more dangerous than America's foreign adversaries


Former President Donald Trump called Democrats and those who opposed or investigated him “enemies within” in an interview broadcast Sunday, describing them as more dangerous than the states' main foreign adversaries -United States, notably Russia and China.

Trump specifically targeted those he called “the crazy people we have inside, like Adam Schiff,” referring to the California representative and Democratic Senate candidate who was the lead prosecutor in the president's first impeachment trial of the time in the Senate.

During a pre-recorded interview on Fox News' “Sunday Morning Futures,” host Maria Bartiromo asked Trump how he would handle bureaucrats who might seek to undermine him in a possible second term.

“I always say we have two enemies,” Trump said, adding: “We have the enemy without, and then we have the enemy within, and the enemy within, in my opinion, is more dangerous than China, Russia and all these countries.

Trump added that a “smart president” could handle external adversaries “pretty easily,” but “what's harder to deal with are these crazy people we have inside, like Adam Schiff.”

“I call it the enemy within,” he added.

As the 2024 presidential race enters its final weeks, the Republican nominee has increasingly called his opponents, including Vice President Kamala Harris, criminals, and speeches critical of him or her respect of its policies are also illegal. .

Trump's comments Sunday echoed remarks he made at a rally in Coachella, California, on Saturday night, where he called Schiff a sneaky Schiff and the enemy from within.

He designed the Russian hoax. …He's sick, Trump said.

In response to a request for comment from NBC News on Sunday, Schiffs' campaign highlighted a series of tweets the Democratic congressman posted Saturday evening in response to Trump's remarks at the rally.

Yet another absurd rant about me, filled with tired insults, voting booth lies, and more, this time in my home state of California. Seriously, Donald. Why are you so obsessed with me? Schiff wrote.

The former president has long had a contentious relationship with Schiff, dating back to the congressman's work as one of the impeachment managers during Trump's first impeachment in 2019. In articles on Truth Social, Trump has often called the congressman “sneaky” and alleged that he inappropriately investigated Trump's ties to Russia during the impeachment inquiry.

House Republicans have joined Trump in his anger at Schiff, who is leading California's Senate race against former baseball player Steve Garvey, a Republican.

In 2023, House Republicans censured Schiff in the House, alleging he misrepresented special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign's contacts with Russia. Mueller's report does not reveal any explicitly coordinated efforts between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the election.

“You look at the danger he put our country in, potentially with Russia, with the bogus, made-up deal he made with Hillary and some bad people…that started as an excuse for why she lost the election that followed. “A lot of people thought she should have won,” Trump added on Sunday.

Asked about the upcoming election, Trump tried to allay fears expressed by President Joe Biden earlier this month that chaos could ensue again as it did in 2020.

No, I don't think so, not on the side that votes for Trump,” the former president said, adding that any problems surrounding the election would not be due to outside agitators or foreign nations.

“I think the biggest problem is the enemy within. We have some very nasty, sick, crazy people on the radical left,” he said.

Any unrest, Trump said, “should be handled very easily, if necessary, by the National Guard, or if it's really necessary, by the military, because they can't let that happen.”

The National Guard was delayed by several hours in its response to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, in part because Trump did not request that it be deployed on the day of the riot.




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