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Joko Widodos' mixed legacy: infrastructure triumphs and democratic concerns

Joko Widodos' mixed legacy: infrastructure triumphs and democratic concerns
Joko Widodos' mixed legacy: infrastructure triumphs and democratic concerns


As Joko Widodo prepares to leave office after a decade as IndonesiaAs president, he left a mixed legacy: a nation reshaped by ambitious infrastructure projects and steady economic growth, but nonetheless shadowed by fears of democratic backsliding.
Widodo, affectionately known as Jokowi, earned the title of Indonesia's infrastructure president for overseeing the construction of highways, road improvements and the launch of Southeast Asia. first high-speed rail projectamong other major public transport initiatives. But even though his administration achieved a steady economic growth rate of 5 percent during his term, that rate fell far short of the 7 percent target Widodo had set.

To his detractors, he will be seen as the president who weakened democracy in Indonesia.

Siwage Dharma Negara, ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
Although he enjoyed high approval ratings throughout his two presidential terms, rumors swirled that Widodo might hesitate to resign. These suspicions intensified in 2022 when senior officials, including a close ally Luhut Pandjaitanexpressed support for extending his presidency beyond the constitutional two-term limit. Although Widodo has denied any intention to amend the constitution, many believe he has been exploring the option behind the scenes, sparking a national debate with critics warning that such measures could erode Indonesia's hard-won democratic reforms.
He will certainly be remembered as the president of infrastructure, having built everything from roads and bridges to dams and power plants, as well as his plan to Archipelagothe new capital, said Siwage Dharma Negara, a senior fellow at the Singapore-based ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute and co-coordinator of its Indonesia studies program.

But to his critics, he will be seen as the president who weakened democracy in Indonesia, brought back political dynasties and created a setback in corruption and good governance.

Widodo chats with former US President Barack Obama (right) in 2017 while the latter was on a family vacation in Indonesia. Photo: Indonesian Presidential Palace / AFP
Widodo chats with former US President Barack Obama (right) in 2017 while the latter was on a family vacation in Indonesia. Photo: Indonesian Presidential Palace / AFP

The widower's rise to power was particularly striking: a former furniture salesman, he became the first Indonesian leader without military or political experience and was seen as a beacon of hope for the young democracy, symbolizing a break with the domination of elites.




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