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JD Vance maintains Donald Trump's false claims about the invasion of Aurora, Colorado by Venezuelan gangs.

JD Vance maintains Donald Trump's false claims about the invasion of Aurora, Colorado by Venezuelan gangs.
JD Vance maintains Donald Trump's false claims about the invasion of Aurora, Colorado by Venezuelan gangs.


AURORA, Colo. — Sen. JD Vance, Republican vice presidential candidate, supports former President Donald Trump's false claims that Venezuelan gangs invaded and conquered Aurora, Colorado.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua have “taken over” apartment complexes and “invaded” the city, as he did at a rally in the city on Friday.

Mike Coffman, Aurora's Republican mayor, said Trump's claims were “grossly exaggerated” and “unfairly damaged the city's identity and sense of security.”

Asked Sunday by “This Week” co-anchor Martha Raddatz whether he supports Trump in these claims, Vance did not back down.

“Well, Martha, you just said the mayor said it was exaggerated. That means there must be an element of truth here,” Vance said.

Raddatz followed up with Vance, saying the problems in Aurora were limited to a handful of apartment complexes and that the mayor issued a statement saying the city's “dedicated law enforcement officers have responded to these concerns and will continue to do it.”

Vance responded, saying Democratic Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was the cause of the problems in Aurora.

READ MORE | Donald Trump travels to Aurora, Colorado to deliver his anti-immigration message

“Unfortunately, when you let millions of people in, most of whom are unexamined and you don't know who they really are, you're going to have problems like this.”

“Kamala Harris, 94 executive orders that reversed Donald Trump's successful border policies. We knew these things were going to happen. We bragged about opening the border, and now we suffer the consequences, and we live with it. We can do so much better,” but frankly, we're not going to do better, Martha, unless Donald Trump calls out this stuff, I'm glad he did.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, which devastated parts of the southeastern United States, including Florida, North Carolina and Georgia, Trump falsely suggested that FEMA aid intended to facing the hurricane was going to the migrants and that the federal government was going to withdraw. the way they don't help people in Republican areas.

When asked if he believed that to be true, Vance defended the president.

“What the president said is that basically FEMA aid is being diverted to illegal migrants,” Vance responded. “We have Republican congressmen who are on the ground representing this region saying they need to call the White House to get food and water to FEMA? Frankly, I don't think that There's nothing malicious going on here, Martha, but I think we've had an incompetent response to this particular crisis, especially in Western North Carolina, which, to be fair, has been hit harder than many of us expected.”

Vance called the federal government's response to the crisis incompetent, saying members of the military continued to “flood” into western North Carolina.

Raddatz objected to false claims that the government would not help people in Republican areas and cited Pentagon officials who said active-duty troops were ready to go before they were called up and were immediately out.

In Georgia on Friday, Vance said the attorney general is the second most important government role after the president.

Raddatz asked Vance if Trump would go after his political opponents if he won another term.

“No, he was president for four years and he didn't go after his political opponents. You know, who went after his political opponents? Kamala Harris, who tried to stop everything, activists pro-life to his political opponents,” Vance said.

Following up, Raddatz told Vance that Trump had said in the past that those who cheated would be prosecuted.

“Well, he said that people who violate our election laws will be prosecuted. I think that's what administration of law is,” Vance said. “He didn’t say people would go to jail because they didn’t agree with me.”

SEE ALSO | Growing concerns in Aurora, Colorado, over the presence of a Venezuelan gang and its impact on other migrants

Vance continues to refuse to acknowledge that Trump lost the 2020 election. In an interview with “This Week” earlier this year, Vance said he would not have certified the results of the 2020 race until states would not have submitted pro-Trump voters.

Raddatz pressed Vance again regarding the 2020 election.

“Interview after interview, question after question, and in the debate you refuse to say that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election,” Raddatz said. “So I'm just going to assume that if I ask you 50 times if he lost the election, you won't recognize him. Is that correct?”

“Martha, you asked this question. I've been asked this question 10 times in the last two weeks. Of course, Donald Trump and I think there were problems in 2020,” Vance said.

Pressed again by Raddatz, Vance responded: “I've said multiple times that I think the 2020 election had problems. You mean rigged? You mean he won? Use the vocabulary term of your choice.”

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