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Non-invasive stool test and potential new treatment for endometriosis

Non-invasive stool test and potential new treatment for endometriosis
Non-invasive stool test and potential new treatment for endometriosis


Promising findings by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and its affiliates reveal a non-invasive fecal test that can detect endometriosis, a painful disease that affects about 200 million women worldwide. This may lead to the development of new treatments. The study was published in the journal and.

“Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium grows outside of its normal location, such as when it attaches to the surrounding intestines or the lining of the abdominal cavity. This usually causes bleeding, pain, inflammation, and infertility. ,” said corresponding author Dr. Rama Kommagani, associate professor. He received his PhD from the Department of Pathology and Immunology at Baylor University. “In general, endometriosis takes about seven years to detect and is often misdiagnosed as a bowel disease. Therefore, delays in diagnosis and the use of current invasive diagnostic techniques and ineffective treatments highlights the need for improved endometriosis management.”

“Previous studies in mice have shown that the microbiome, the bacterial community that lives in the body, or metabolites, the products produced by bacteria, may contribute to the progression of endometriosis. ” said Konmagani. “In this study, we took a closer look at the role of the microbiome in endometriosis by comparing the bacteria and metabolites present in the stool of women with endometriosis to those of healthy women. I found that there is a big difference between them.”

The findings suggest that the fecal metabolites found in women with endometriosis could serve as the basis for non-invasive diagnostic tests as well as potential strategies to slow disease progression. suggested that there is a sex.

Researchers have discovered a combination of bacterial metabolites that are unique to endometriosis. Among them is a metabolite called 4-hydroxyindole. “This compound is produced by 'good bacteria,' but women with endometriosis have lower amounts of it than women without endometriosis,” said lead author Dr. said researcher Dr. Chandni Talwar.

“These findings are very interesting,” Talwar said. “Studies using animal models of this disease have shown a signature of specific bacterial metabolites associated with endometriosis. Our study shows that the unique metabolic profile associated with endometriosis in humans This is the first time we have discovered a product profile that brings us closer to a deeper understanding of the human condition and the identification of potential endometriosis and better ways to manage it. ”

Furthermore, extensive research has also shown that administering 4-hydroxyindole to animal models of endometriosis prevents the onset and progression of inflammation and pain associated with endometriosis.

“Interestingly, our findings may also have implications for other diseases. The metabolite profile identified in endometriosis is similar to that observed in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). “This study revealed an interesting link between these two diseases,” said Kommagani. “Our findings support the role of the microbiome in endometriosis and inflammatory bowel disease.”

Researchers are continuing to work toward developing a non-invasive stool test for endometriosis. They are also conducting the necessary studies to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 4-hydroxyindole as a potential treatment for this condition.

Other contributors to this work include Goutham Venkata Naga Davuluri, Abu Hena Mostafa Kamal, Christian Coarfa, Sang Jun Han, Surabi Veeraragavan, Krishna Parsawar, Nagireddy Putluri, Kristi Hoffman, Patricia Jimenez, and Scott Biest. Authors are affiliated with one or more of the following institutions: Baylor College of Medicine, University of Arizona Tucson, Washington University School of Medicine, and Saint Louis University. Lewis.

This research was funded by NIH/NICHD grants (R01HD102680, R01HD104813) and a research fellowship from the American Cancer Society.




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