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Earthquake safety reminders were provided to support the Great Nevada ShakeOut on Thursday

Earthquake safety reminders were provided to support the Great Nevada ShakeOut on Thursday


In support of the annual Great Nevada ShakeOut at 10:17 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, Clark County Emergency Management officials are offering some earthquake safety tips.

The Great ShakeOut is a global event that encourages people and organizations to participate in an annual earthquake safety exercise on their own or as part of a larger group. Participants are asked to organize 60-second “Drop, Cover and Hold” drills on ShakeOut Day at schools, businesses, government agencies, homes and other locations. ShakeOut rehearsals are scheduled for 10:17 a.m. on October 17. Nevada residents are encouraged to be counted as a participant in the annual drill by registering online at So far, more than 630,000 Nevada residents have registered to participate in the training, including nearly 500,000 in Clark County.

“The Great ShakeOut is an important exercise to remind people around the world how to protect themselves in the event of an earthquake,” said Billy Samuels, deputy chief of the Clark County Fire Department, who oversees the Office of Emergency Management. “Earthquakes can happen in Clark County. We encourage as many people as possible to participate in the drills either at home or at their workplace.

Nevada is one of the most seismically active states after California and Alaska. Officials say most quake-related injuries are caused by falling objects, broken glass, or tripping and falling when people try to evacuate. The best protection if you are indoors during an earthquake is to get under heavy furniture such as a desk or table until the shaking stops, and to stay away from windows to avoid broken glass. If you are in a vehicle when the shaking begins, stop in a clear place and avoid bridges, overpasses and power lines if possible. To reduce injuries caused by an earthquake, racks should be securely attached to the walls. Large and heavy items should be placed on the lower shelves. Do not hang heavy objects on the walls above the beds or sofas and chairs in which you sit.

Stars of the HGTV show “Property Brothers,” Drew and Jonathan Scott, helped Clark County create a 30-second television public service announcement to educate residents about earthquake safety. The public service announcement is posted on the county's YouTube channel at There is a relevant bulletin of safety tips in English and Spanish on the Fire Department website pages at More information about earthquake safety is available at


Clark County is a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to providing high-quality service with integrity, respect and accountability. With jurisdiction over the world-famous Las Vegas Strip and covering an area the size of New Jersey, Clark is the 11th largest county in the country and provides extensive regional services to 2.4 million residents and 45.6 million visitors annually (2023). The airport includes the nation's fifth-busiest airport, air quality compliance, social services, and the state's largest public hospital, University Medical Center. The county also provides municipal services traditionally provided by cities to the 1 million residents of the unincorporated area. These include fire protection, roads and other public works, parks and recreation, and planning and development.




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