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Study finds that young people treated for obesity with GLP-1 drugs have lower risk of suicidal ideation

Study finds that young people treated for obesity with GLP-1 drugs have lower risk of suicidal ideation



A review of the medical records of thousands of adolescents treated for obesity found that those given the GLP-1 drugs semaglutide or liraglutide had more suicidal thoughts and attempts than those who received behavioral interventions. It turned out to be unlikely.

of study A study of nearly 7,000 children ages 12 to 18, published this week in JAMA Pediatrics, showed that these drugs lowered the risk by 33% over a one-year period.

Semaglutide is better known as Ozempic, which is approved to treat type 2 diabetes, and Wegoby, which is approved to treat obesity. Liraglutide is approved for diabetes as Victoza and for obesity as Saxenda.

In some cases it is the most recent data point contradictory A series of studies suggests that this drug does not contribute to the risk of suicide. both regulators US and Europe An investigation into the matter was launched following reports of possible self-harm and suicidal thoughts among people who used the drug, but none have so far been reported. have do not have I have identified the link.

Additionally, by understanding the risks for young people using GLP-1 drugs, rose sharply since they were approved Doctors say this is especially important for the 2020 age group in the United States.

“We generally know that mental health and suicidality are serious problems for people with and without obesity. take the lead “The leading cause of death in teens and young adults.” Dr. Kitty O'Haresenior medical director of pediatrics at Duke Primary Care in North Carolina, was not involved in the new study. “And we've long known that adolescents and young adults with obesity are more likely than others to experience depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.”

Mr O'Hare said he was very excited about the study as it included up to three years of follow-up and provided several years' worth of data in an age group where the drug would not have responded well. . widely I studied like adults. “It’s really helpful to get additional research,” she said.

The study, conducted by researchers from Israel's Hadassah University Medical Center and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, examined medical records from 120 medical institutions, primarily in the United States, from December 2019 to June 2024. Researchers compared suicide rates. We will compare the ideas and efforts of children who are prescribed GLP-1 drugs to treat obesity with those who are treated with behavioral interventions such as diet and exercise.

They found that over a 12-month period, 1.4% of youth who were taking GLP-1 drugs experienced a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation, compared to 2.3% of youth who did not take GLP-1 drugs. It turned out that. There were no signs of drug-related increases for 3 years. The study found a high incidence of gastrointestinal disorders among people using this drug, meaning that many people encounter side effects of the drug.

“The results of this study are encouraging,” he said Dr. Nora VolkowDirector of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health. similar works Analyzing medical records to evaluate GLP-1 drugs. She said this new finding is “consistent with what was found in similar studies of the association between GLP-1 drugs and reduced risk of suicidal ideation.”

However, it is still important for clinicians to assess the mental health and suicidal ideation of adolescents taking these drugs, Dr. Volkow wrote in an email.

“Adolescence can be a particularly difficult time for mental health,” she added.

The researchers who conducted the study said it suggested multiple potential reasons why GLP-1 drugs may be associated with lower suicide risk and merited further investigation.

First of all, obesity isDecreased quality of lifeDuring adolescence: Obese children are more likely to be bullied and have lower self-esteem, O'Hare said. GLP-1 drugs are imitate This hormone is important for appetite, satiety, and digestion, and is effective for weight loss.

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The researchers also pointed to earlier studies suggesting the drug may have effects on the brain. depressionHowever, more work is needed to prove its relevance. Additionally, citing other early research on this drug: addictionthey argued that it could help by curbing food addiction.

He said the drugs should not be considered as treatments for depression until they are better understood in the context of mental health. Dr. Sarah Armstrongdirector of the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health at Duke University School of Medicine, who directs the Duke Children's Healthy Lifestyles Program, was not involved in the new study.

“Families seeking care for their teen's obesity and depression need to be aware that treatments exist for both and should seek care for each of these conditions independently,” she said. said.




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