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Imran Khan blocked as Oxford chancellor candidate but Zumba enthusiast allowed to stand

Imran Khan blocked as Oxford chancellor candidate but Zumba enthusiast allowed to stand


Her exclusion leaves key contenders such as Lord Hague, the former Conservative leader, Lord Mandelson, the Labor peer, and Lady Angiolini, a Scottish lawyer who led the investigation into Sarah's abduction, rape and murder Everard.

Lord Hague and Lord Mandelson both present themselves as well-connected politicians with a track record of successful fundraising, while Lady Angiolini said she would strive to attract the most successful students, tutors and researchers brightest in the world.

They will face former Conservative ministers David Willetts and Dominic Grieve, as well as Baroness Royall, a Labor peer and principal of Somerville College, Oxford.

The list of 38 contenders is considered the most diverse in 800 years and includes 11 women. Among them is Margaret Casely-Hayford, the former president of the Globe Theatre, who is trying to become the first black woman chancellor of Oxford.

Others on the list include Matthew Firth, an Anglican vicar who has vowed to fight woke ideology, Emma Dandy, a feminist poet and journalist, Simon Kay, a hand surgeon, and Kashmaila Rauf, who works at a center of Amazon distribution.

Single line application

Some of the candidates' statements posted on the Oxford University website offered little biographical detail.

A statement from Abrar ul Hassan Shapoo, one of the candidates deemed eligible to enter the race, contained the following single line: If selected, I will work with the honesty and well-being of the university and the development of students and the university.

In contrast, Tanya Tajik, a businesswoman, described her love of Zumba, art and animals in a statement explaining why she would make a good chancellor of Oxford, which was riddled with spelling errors.

I have been learning Indian classical singing for 10 years. I have a great love for all types of art. I do zentangle, a type of art in which patterns with special meaning are drawn with a pen. I also do pencil sketches, portraits and painting. I think a person who loves art has more ability to handle things differently, the statement said.

This is something that I believe makes me a good candidate for the required position. With this, I am so interested in physical activities like hiking trails, gym, swimming, gymnastics and I even teach Zumba. Zumba is something that not only keeps your body active, but also your world.




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