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Can weight loss drugs also treat addiction?

Can weight loss drugs also treat addiction?


New research suggests that glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs), used to treat diabetes and obesity, may also be repurposed for opioid use disorder (OUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD). provides further evidence.

Researchers found that patients with OUD or AUD who took semaglutide (Ozempic, Novo Nordisk) or similar drugs for diabetes or weight-related conditions had a 40% lower rate of opioid overdose than other patients. , found that alcohol poisoning rates were 50% lower. OUD or AUD without taking these medications.

Their real-world study of over 1 million adults with a history of OUD or AUD showed that prescription of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)/GLP-1 RA and opioid overdose/alcohol intoxication It provides a “basic” estimate of the relationship between the two and introduces it as “. “The idea is that GLP-1 RA and other related drugs should be investigated as new pharmacotherapy options for individuals with OUD or AUD,” Maywood, Illinois, wrote.

The research is Published online In the diary of October 17th addiction.

Protective effect?

as previously reported by Medscape Medical Newsprevious studies have pointed to an association between weight loss medications and reduced overdose risk in patients with OUD. Reduced alcohol intake For those who have Australian dollars.

Until now, most of the research on GIP agonists such as GLP-1 RAs and tirzepatide (Mounjaro) to treat substance use disorders has consisted of animal studies and small clinical trials, the researchers noted.

This new retrospective cohort study analyzed deidentified electronic health record data from Oracle Health Real-World Data.

All participants were 18 years of age or older, including 503,747 patients with a history of OUD (8,103 of whom were prescribed GLP-1 RA or GIP) and 817,309 patients with a history of AUD. (of which 5,621 were prescribed GLP-1 RA or GIP). GIP prescription.

OUD patients prescribed GLP-1 RAs had 40% lower opioid overdose rates than patients who did not receive such prescriptions (adjusted incidence rate ratio) [aIRR]0.60; 95% CI, 0.43-0.83), the researchers found.

Additionally, patients receiving AUD and GLP-1 RA prescriptions had a 50% lower rate of alcohol intoxication (aIRR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.40-0.63).

The protective effects of GLP-1 RA against opioid overdose and alcohol intoxication were maintained across patients with comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

“Future studies will include prospective clinical trials to validate these findings, investigate the underlying mechanisms, and determine the long-term efficacy and safety of GIP/GLP-1 RA treatments in diverse populations. “The focus should be on

“Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research in understanding the neurobiological links between metabolic disease and problematic substance use, allowing for more effective approaches within healthcare systems.” “This may lead to new treatment strategies,” the researchers added.

doubts remain

In a statement from the UK non-profit Science Media Centre, Matt Field DPhil, professor of psychology at the University of Sheffield in Sheffield, UK, said the study's results “add to those of other studies, particularly animal studies. The results of this study suggest that similar drugs may one day be prescribed to help people suffering from addiction.

However, “the caveat is that the results are a very extreme example of substance addiction,” added Field, who was not involved in the study.

“These results are very different from those used when researchers test new treatments for addiction, in which case the treatment is used to help people completely stop taking the substance (completely You might consider whether it helps you with abstinence (abstinence) or whether it helps you reduce the amount of a substance you consume, or how often you take it. “Those things could not be measured in this study,” he continued.

“This is because Ozempic, for reasons unknown at this point, may prevent people from overdosing on alcohol or heroin and end up in the hospital, but it doesn't actually reduce or completely reduce drug use.” “It leaves the possibility that it won't help you get sober,” Field said.

This study received no specific funding. Study authors and Field declared no relevant conflicts of interest.




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