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California marks 35 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake

California marks 35 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake


The Central Coast marks 35 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake

Updated: 5:54 PM PDT on October 17, 2024

Yes. Help yourself. I'm Dave Gonzalez, I live in the newsroom here at Action News. And, you know, we just had a big earthquake here on the Central Coast and we're still trying to get things together here on our own. We realize there is some damage in the Santa Cruz area and how bad it is. We're not really sure yet that it's been one of the biggest stories here in the last seven decades. The 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake knocked Ksbw off the air for several minutes and changed the Central Coast and Bay Area forever. Eight correspondent Paul Dudley has a look back at the day that made history. Second rule. So take the Oakland A's, I'll tell you what we have all the way from San Francisco all the way down here. For those who lived it. It is impossible to forget the Loma Prieta earthquake and the devastation it caused in October of '89. Thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed. In total, more than 3,700 people were infected. 63 people lost their lives, including three people in the collapse of buildings along the Pacific Garden Mall in Santa Cruz. Seeing the reality of what we were facing as a community*** was daunting to say the least. It wasn't long after the shaking stopped. Patsy Gaska heard on the radio that the American Red Cross needed bilingual volunteers and translators. It was her first day in what would become a 34-year long career. But she soon found herself sad while volunteering. She learned that her aunt was killed when the Bakery in Watsonville collapsed. I don't really think now I had time to respond to him. I had so many people, including the families of those young men who were killed in downtown Santa Cruz that I got into the work and, you know, allowed myself to grieve when I could. In Watsonville, dozens of buildings were destroyed downtown. Ford's department store had a crack running through the front tents that jutted out the towns, and many were afraid of aftershocks. It only took 15 seconds of shaking to change the area forever. On *** Day, most Bay Area sports fans were hoping to remember *** for a different reason. The Giants and Giants lost two games to none. It was Game 3 of the World Series A against the Giants. My local Battle of the Bay congressman, Jimmy Panetta, just a college student***, was at the game and I will never forget walking to my seat and hearing the rumble that people automatically assumed was fans cheering until I felt the vibration and I will never forget looking behind me and seeing the*** on Most likely *** 10-foot cement beams echoing the back and the horse. But Panetta and others on the field did not know the extent of the damage until the game was cancelled. People began to learn about the devastation on their portable televisions. The sets section*** of the Bay Bridge collapsed as well as the elevated cypress structure of Interstate 880 in Oakland at the time of the earthquake. I was doing airborne traffic for K CBS. Longtime San Francisco air traffic reporter Mike Tracy will always remember flying over the damage. I mean we went to the Cypress structure which was kind of scary because it was clear that the rescue was still going on. For several days after that, there was a lot of smoke rising. The earthquake was captured on video at several locations including UC Santa Cruz. But the footage that a professional photographer was able to capture ended up being a very important piece of evidence in understanding the impact of the earthquake that was not talked about much. Yes, and I had my camera and tripod set up and had been set up for about *** a minute when this all happened. Ed Heffelfinger came to Moss Landing to shoot a video of the sunset that day. Instead, he took pictures of the earthquake as it happened. This people is an earthquake. I was standing about 2 feet away from my tripod and saw smoke sticks coming out. I mean they were shaking back and forth like a hula dancer. You know, I looked at the Elkhorn Massacre to the east. I could see a shock wave coming and the birds were going crazy and flying at each other. Heffelfinger witnessed the damage caused by the earthquake at Moss Landing and the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, where the earthquake destroyed the facility but it was footage of the bay, not the damage that confirmed the Loma Prieta earthquake caused the tsunami. And I talked to the people at the Institute of Oceanography about it and they gave me a copy of the video and they told me it was the lowest tide in months. If the tide had been normal or high, I probably wouldn't be standing here talking to you. Here he depicts the lives lost in the '89 earthquake. Back at the American Red Cross, Gaska has pictures of Santa Cruz victims on her office wall. She says she still keeps in touch with many of their families. Her creative work, *** the connection remains strong even after more than three decades. It's the impact that we have on families that sometimes you don't know right away until you meet them or, or someone will come up and say I just wanted you to know that I volunteer, you know, at an agency and I'm doing this because of what I see you doing. Paul Dudley KSVW***

The Central Coast marks 35 years since the Loma Prieta earthquake

Updated: 5:54 PM PDT on October 17, 2024

Today marks 35 years since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake struck the Central Coast, causing extensive damage in Santa Cruz County. Video in the media player makes up our 70th anniversary coverage. The 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck at 5:04 p.m., causing buildings to collapse in downtown Santa Cruz and part of Highway 1 in Watsonville. The disaster killed 63 people, injured thousands, and left a lasting impact on society.

Aptos, California. —

Today marks 35 years since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake struck the Central Coast, causing extensive damage in Santa Cruz County.

Video in the media player makes up our 70th anniversary coverage.

The 6.9 magnitude earthquake occurred at 5:04 p.m., causing buildings to collapse in downtown Santa Cruz and part of Highway 1 in Watsonville.

The disaster killed 63 people, injured thousands, and left a lasting impact on society.




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