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Is there a cricket ground in Squamish?

Is there a cricket ground in Squamish?


The new permanent cricket ground will be built at Brennan Park for the Squamish Cricket Club to use.

The future looks bright for Squamish cricket enthusiasts with the district approving a cricket ground for Brennan Park.

The new field was approved by the city council during a special business meeting on October 15 and will be constructed between fields three and four.

Squamish Cricket Club response

The Squamish Cricket Club (SCC) originally applied for a permanent cricket pitch in 2022 and members are very pleased with the council's decision.

“We are ecstatic! After almost three years of effort, the approval of the field has given the club and its members a huge boost of enthusiasm,” SCC vice-president and secretary Taurean McCarthy told The Squamish Chief.

“It's a big win for cricket in Squamish, and we're excited about what this means for the future of the sport here.”

Council decision

Although staff's recommendation was for the district to fund the entire $49,000 project through Community Facilities (CAC) funds, council opted for an alternative proposal to share costs with the Squamish Cricket Club.

“I think this is a matter of fairness; we held the same bar for the people of Pickleball… there was an expectation that they would bring money forward, and I think with every community group I've talked to, that's still something that I've definitely reiterated,” Coun. said Jenna Stoner.

“So I think it's an important standard to uphold. I also want to recognize that our contribution to community services is not endless; Ultimately, there's only $1.5 million left in it, and we just added another $200,000 to the splash park. So while it may feel like a small amount, every dollar counts as we seek to realize community recreation benefits for our community as a whole.”

The alternative financing arrangement will see the council finance $14,500 of the project through CAC funds, while the council will receive $34,500 previously raised by the Squamish Cricket Club.

Count. Lauren Greenlaw echoed Stoner's comments and encouraged her fellow council members to vote in favor of the alternative funding method.

“I think it is important to take advantage of the potential financial input from user groups. We have a lot of expenses ahead of us, and as Count. Stoner said, every dollar counts,” she said.

Despite councilors John French, Eric Andersen and Mayor Armand Hurford opposing the alternative recommendation – which passed 4-3 – all members voted in favor of the shared funding arrangement to ensure the cricket pitch would be built.

“Although I voted against the amendment, that was not enough reason for me not to support this form of funding,” Hurford said.

Count. French agreed, saying the main focus was on supporting the local cricket community.

“I have exactly the same thoughts. I support cricket. How we get there, how we finance it, is a little secondary to having a field and playing the sport in Squamish,” French said.

The future of SCC

While the opportunity to get the field fully funded would have made things “easier” for the SCC, McCarthy said club members understand there are “a lot of priorities in our community.”

“We have seen the great contributions from other groups and we are happy to do our part,” he said.

“From the outset we expected that the club would have to make a contribution, and we have worked hard to secure grants and in-kind contributions to make this project a reality.”

The current estimated time for field completion is late 2025, but McCarthy is optimistic about an earlier finish.

“We hope it will be ready closer to the start of the quarter so we can organize some friendly matches and show the community what cricket is all about before the rains start in September or October,” he said.

Council noted that a second field could be built on the park in the future.

As for what the future of cricket looks like in Squamish, the answer is 'bright'.

“The future looks bright! The past few years have been tough as transporting and setting up a 150-pound carpet every time we wanted to play has limited our club's operations,” said McCarthy.

“Understandably, our players just want to concentrate on playing cricket and having to arrive 30 minutes early to take the mat was a real deterrent. With a permanent field, we have removed our biggest barrier to success.”

The SCC continues its fundraising efforts to support the installation of the new field and the sport as a whole in Squamish.

To donate, visit the BC Amateur Sport Fund page, and for more information about the Squamish Cricket Club, visit his website.




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