Storm Ashley brings rail, road and air disruption, with the UK on high alert for flood warnings.
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Storm Ashley caused travel disruptions and flooding across the UK due to strong winds and rain.
Dozens of flights were canceled at Belfast City Airport and Dublin Airport, while several flights to Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen were also canceled as wind speeds exceeded 80mph in some areas.
Police Scotland advised drivers to plan ahead and avoid unnecessary travel as road chaos is likely, while Transport Scotland warned public transport delays were likely.
CalMac, the ferry operator operating on Scotland's west coast, canceled most sailings on Sunday due to the suspension of services on the islands of Arran, Bute, Lewis and Harris due to worsening sea conditions caused by strong winds. Canceled.
Parts of Worcester have been left under water after the River Severn burst its banks due to flooding.
The first named storm of the season is likely to bring threats of injury and risk to life, the National Weather Service said.
Waves crashing against the sea defenses at Saltcoats, Scotland (Getty)
An amber warning for strong winds has been issued for all of Scotland and Northern Ireland and parts of north-west England and Wales from 3am to midnight on Sunday.
An amber warning has been issued for north-west Scotland from 9am to midnight, with the Met Office warning there could be a risk of injury and life from large waves and beach material being thrown onto coastal roads, beaches and private property.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) has issued 47 flood warnings, with 10 flood warnings across large areas of the country.
A yellow Met Office wind warning will be in place for northern Scotland from midnight Sunday until 9am Monday.
Waves at Blackrock Diving Tower in Salt Hill, Galway (PA)
Further south, the Met Office has issued a yellow warning of possible travel disruptions and power outages due to flooding for south-west England and South Wales until noon on Sunday.
The Environment Agency has issued 45 active flood warnings, meaning expected flooding, and 96 flood alerts, meaning flooding is possible. The warning covers several areas of the south Cornwall coast and Wye Estuary.
Natural Resources Wales said eight flood warnings and 12 flood alerts were in place.
Met Office meteorologist Dan Stroud warned that very strong and severe gales were occurring on Sunday, coinciding with high tide, which could lead to very large waves.
Mr Stroud said strong, gale-force winds were expected to continue into Monday morning, meaning fallen debris and trees could impact commuters early in the week.
A Storm Ashley weather warning is in effect for the entire country (PA).
The forecaster added that Sunday will be a very windy day with storms in the northwest.
Rain will spread east before clearing, but gusty winds will move east in the afternoon.
Meteorologist Ellie Glaisyer said: “Parts of western Scotland could see gusts of 70 to 80mph during the afternoon.” Much of England and Wales will become drier and brighter with clear skies during the afternoon.
Winds are expected to ease on Monday as the rain moves southeast. It is expected that the turmoil in North Korea will continue throughout this week.
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