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British rivers contain a mixture of chemicals and stimulants that threaten aquatic life | descent

British rivers contain a mixture of chemicals and stimulants that threaten aquatic life | descent


A mix of chemicals and stimulants, including caffeine, antidepressants and painkillers, in rivers in the UK from sewage discharges from water companies are polluting freshwater at levels that could pose a risk to aquatic life, tests have found.

Three days of testing in rivers by 4,531 volunteers from environmental research group Earthwatch found that, in addition to the river's mix of chemicals, 61% of Britain's fresh water was in poor condition due to high levels of the nutrient phosphate. Nitrates occur in sewage runoff and agricultural runoff. The UK has the worst river water quality, with 67% of freshwater samples showing high levels of nitrates and phosphates.

Our rivers have historically been stressed by agriculture and are at risk from outdated and inadequate sewage treatment works, Earthwatch said.

Earthwatch volunteers tested the river over three days in September, collecting a data set of 2,338 samples tested for high levels of phosphates and nitrates. Imperial College London sent 91 samples for further testing for the presence of chemicals. These ongoing tests show that the river is exposed to toxic pollutants, including nicotine, caffeine, antidepressants, antibiotics and painkillers such as tramadol and diclofenac. Sasha Woods, policy director at Earthwatch, said the main source of these pollutants is sewage from water companies' treatment operations.

Woods said the UK's freshwater ecosystem was in a dire state and citizen science data was helping to fill the gap in testing to reveal the true picture. She said the chemical results were shocking and revealed a failure to properly treat sewage.

Woods said 100% of the samples sent to Imperial contained caffeine. This is concerning because it shows either water companies are not properly cleaning sewage runoff before it is discharged into the river, or too much untreated sewage is flowing into the river.

Dubbed the Great UK WaterBlitz, volunteers collected thousands of data sets from geographically dispersed locations across the UK over three days in September. Nitrate and phosphate measurements by volunteers within stream subbasins were based on a minimum of five samples per subbasin.

Acceptable water quality was found to be less than 1 ppm nitrate and less than 0.1 ppm phosphate, which is consistent with Environment Agency values. England had the worst water quality, with 67% of rivers deemed unacceptable or of poor quality, followed by Northern Ireland at 43%, Scotland at 29% and Wales at 21%. The Anglian and Thames river basin areas have some of the worst water quality in the UK, with more than 80% of surveys showing unacceptable nutrient concentrations.

Rivers in West Glamorgan, Wales, and Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, had the best water quality measured.

Earthwatch said there was an urgent need to improve wastewater treatment processes and reduce agricultural and urban runoff to reduce threats to vulnerable freshwater systems and species.

The poor condition of many of the UK's water bodies is caused by a complex and interconnected range of pollution sources, including sewage discharge, agricultural and urban runoff, the report said. Earthwatch's evidence about the poor condition of British rivers comes after data from the Environment Agency showed a sharp decline in Atlantic salmon stocks in England and Wales. Salmon are an indicator species, and their rapid decline is considered a warning sign that the natural environment is under extreme stress.

The full analysis of about 300 chemicals is expected to be published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2025. Early results are already building a more complete picture of the chemicals in rivers and lakes.

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Many of the chemicals discovered contain concentrations considered to pose a risk to aquatic life.

Of the 91 samples already analyzed, 100 percent contained caffeine, with levels in 80 percent of those samples posing some risk to aquatic life, Woods said.

Nicotine was found in 25% of the samples, and in 7% of the samples it was found at levels that could pose a risk to aquatic life. The antidepressant venlafaxine was found in 30% of the samples analyzed, with 13% of the samples containing levels that could pose a risk to aquatic life.

The antibiotic trimethoprim was found in 10% of the samples, all at concentrations that could pose some risk to aquatic life.

Diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, was present in 11% of samples and all posed some risk.

In 5% of the samples, the fungicide tebuconazole was present due to agricultural runoff.

The neonicotinoid acetamiprid was present in 19% of samples, and all posed some risk to aquatic life.

Earthwatch said the results showed the significant contribution of citizen science in providing a clearer picture of the health of rivers.

Owen Lewis, Deputy Director for Water Quality Analysis and Reporting at the Environment Agency, said: The Environment Agency values ​​the contribution of the UK's growing network of citizen scientists and welcomes the Great UK WaterBlitz and other initiatives that complement its own research, monitoring and evaluation work. . .

We are committed to improving water quality, which is why we are delighted to be working closely with Earthwatch to target our research and help find solutions to the complex challenges facing our water.




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