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UK economic outlook improves as IMF | business news

UK economic outlook improves as IMF | business news


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its growth forecast for the UK this year from 0.4% to 1.1%, the largest upward revision among developed countries.

As Prime Minister Rachel Reeves prepares to travel to Washington this week for the International Monetary Fund's annual meeting, the latest global economic outlook predicts growth will strengthen as “lower inflation and interest rates” stimulate demand.

The IMF's improved view of the UK's performance is a significant increase from the 0.7% growth forecast in July this year and a 0.6% increase from its April assessment.

The GDP growth forecast for 2025 remains unchanged at 1.5%.

Commenting on the announcement, Prime Minister Reeves said: “We welcome the IMF's upward revision to its growth forecast for this year, but we know there is more work to be done. That's why next week's budget will focus on setting the foundations to deliver change.” said. “So we can protect working people, fix the NHS and rebuild Britain.”

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5:42 P&O row, Prime Minister on growth and workers' rights

Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is expected to grow by 2.5%, up 0.2% from the July forecast this year, before falling again to 2.2% in 2025.

On the other hand, the Eurozone's growth rate is expected to be only 0.8%, down 0.1% this year, and up 1.1% and down 0.3% next year.

The IMF's more optimistic view of the UK economy comes after official figures for the past two weeks showed a return to growth in August after two months of recession and inflation fell below the Bank of England's 2% target last month for the first time. Within three and a half years.

Ms Reeves' visit to Washington comes a week before the delivery of the first budget, a key moment for her management of the economy and the new Labor government.

An important time for the Prime Minister

The Chancellor is understood to be aiming to generate around £40bn through tax increases and spending cuts to achieve the targeted increase in public spending and make room for the foreseeable future.

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She is also expected to change the calculation of government debt to allow more borrowing to invest in infrastructure projects.

Many of the problems she is grappling with at home are reflected in the problems the IMF identified in its recent assessment of the global economy.

global issues

The report's authors concluded that “the global fight against inflation has largely been won” and that average global interest rates are expected to stabilize at 3.5% next year, below the average between 2000 and 2019.

They said that after demonstrating “extraordinary resilience” in avoiding a recession as inflation fell from a near-double-digit peak, the global economy now needs to stabilize debt levels and “rebuild necessary fiscal buffers” while improving growth prospects. They say they face challenges.

The IMF identifies a range of challenges, including regional conflicts, including in the Middle East and Ukraine. the need to ease monetary repression while strengthening fiscal policy; possible slowdown in China; There is also the risk of protectionism and trade war, along with the threat of tariffs on Chinese goods from the United States and Europe.

‘Debt stabilization’ warning

After years of increased borrowing in response to the pandemic and post-Covid-19 economic adjustment, the government must stabilize its debt and “rebuild the necessary fiscal buffers,” the IMF said in a warning that could be referred to the Treasury Department in Issue 11.

This must be done gradually and reliably to maintain market confidence and allow the country to continue borrowing at affordable rates.




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