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Erdogan ally proposes release of imprisoned Kurdish leader DW 10/22/2024

Erdogan ally proposes release of imprisoned Kurdish leader DW 10/22/2024


Devlet Bahceli, leader of the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and a key ally of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, suggested on Tuesday that imprisoned Kurdish separatist Abdullah Öcalan be paroled and allowed to speak before the Turkish parliament if he and his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) lay down their arms and dissolve.

Bahceli's proposal comes about 40 years after the PKK launched an armed insurgency against Ankara with the aim of establishing an autonomous Kurdish state. The conflict has left more than 40,000 dead since it began in 1984.

Although Turkey began peace talks with the PKK in 2012, the ceasefire between the two sides collapsed in 2015, triggering a bloody resumption of the conflict.

The PKK has been designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the EU; with Öcalan, arrested in Kenya and serving a life sentence in Imrali, an island prison near Istanbul, since 1999.

Since his arrest, countries around the world, particularly in Europe, have regularly witnessed protests demanding Öcalan's release.

Pro-Kurdish politicians ready for “honorable peace”

Bahceli said Tuesday: “Let the terrorist leader unilaterally declare that terrorism is over and his organization has been dissolved,” adding that the PKK should offer unconditional surrender and its leaders imprisoned.

The MHP leader, known for his targeted attacks against the PKK and the pro-Kurdish Party for People's Equality and Democracy (DEM), surprised many by shaking hands with DEM lawmakers at the reopening of Parliament on October 1.

Deputy DEM leader Tulay Hatimogullari commented on Bahceli's proposal, saying: “So end Öcalan's isolation and let him come and speak. Then we can hear what he has to say.”

Tulay told parliamentarians that his party was ready to do its part to bring about “an honorable peace”.

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Is the change about Öcalan's freedom or Erdogan's grip on power?

Öcalan's lawyers, who have reportedly been denied access to him for 43 months now, welcomed the proposal which President Erdogan called a “historic window”, saying that “every appeal that meets the requirements of the law and Complying with it is important.”

Although Bahceli's proposal surprised many, it also comes amid speculation that Erdogan would seek the support of the DEM, the third largest bloc in Turkey's parliament, in his quest to change the country's constitution to to allow him to remain in power for life.

Ozgur Ozel, who heads the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), was skeptical, saying: “This plan seems to solve the Recep Tayyip Erdogan problem instead of solving the Turkey problem, and that’s why he smells.”

Erdogan came to power in 2003 and has continued to tighten his grip ever since.

Will Sweden comply with Turkey's demands for the Kurds to join NATO?

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