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Trump sells McDonald's shirt to commemorate his step change

Trump sells McDonald's shirt to commemorate his step change


Photo: Trump National Committee Storefront

From Trump watches to Trump sneakers to Trump Bibles, Donald Trump has been selling all kinds of merchandise recently, partly because he and his campaign are strapped for cash and partly because scamming is his primary goal. So, in a way, it's not surprising that the Trump campaign is selling a T-shirt on Sunday to commemorate the former president working at a McDonald's in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. But on another level, it's ridiculous, because Trump hasn't worked at all; the restaurant was closed, he served a handful of pre-selected items to motorists, chosen by him, and his shift lasted about 20 minutes.

Nonetheless, on Monday afternoon, the Trump campaign sent out an email (sender name: President Trump – Fry Cook) informing recipients that a McGift is waiting for them: a MAGADonalds T-shirt. The claim your shirt button goes to the fundraising page offering every REAL TRUMP PATRIOT the opportunity to order the official MAGADonalds shirt before it sells out. Suggested donations range from $45 to $1,000.

As of Tuesday, the shirts were also available for just $35 (plus $7 shipping) at the official Trump campaign store.

While this may sound like an invitation to be sued, it appears the shirt mockup doesn't mention McDonalds or feature the golden arches logo. Additionally, McDonalds has made it clear that it wants to stay out of the presidential race, although a statement from McDonalds Corp. says it agreed to let the franchise owner and operator participate in the campaign event. According to the Associated Press:

In a message to employees obtained Monday by The Associated Press, McDonald's said the establishment's owner-operator, Derek Giacomantonio, contacted it after learning of Trump's desire to visit a Pennsylvania restaurant. McDonald's accepted the event.

After learning of the former president's request, we approached it through the lens of one of our core values: We open our doors to everyone, the company said. McDonalds does not support candidates for office and that remains true in this race for the next president. We are neither red nor blue, we are golden.

Trump clearly enjoyed playing the fast food worker and kept talking about it online. On Truth Social, he has posted or reposted messages about his visit to McDonalds 15 times since Sunday. For example:

Although Trump claimed in another post that he had checked with McDonalds, and they say, definitively, that there is no record of Lyin Kamala Harris having worked there, he does not provided no evidence to support this hypothesis. What McDonald's actually said is that they don't have 40-year-old records for specific franchises. According to the AP:

The company said it was proud of Harris' fond memories working under the arches and highlighted the oft-cited figure that 1 in 8 Americans work at McDonald's at any given time.

Although we and our franchisees do not have records for every position dating back to the early 1980s, what makes one in eight franchisees so powerful is the shared experience that so many Americans have had, said McDonalds.

The Washington Post has not been able to verify Kamala Harris' claim that she worked at a McDonald's in Alameda, California, in the summer of 1983, but it doesn't prove anything. As the paper puts it, the year 1983 exists on the other side of the digital curtain, in the analog dark ages. There is no centralized database of everyone who has ever worked at a McDonalds franchise, let alone for just a few months.

It's easy to understand why Trump keeps talking about McDonalds. This is a great opportunity to insist that Harris is a liar, since there's probably no way to prove she worked there. Additionally, Trump is known to be a big fan of McDonald's. He loves food (allegedly because he long feared being poisoned) and even appeared in a McDonald's commercial in 2002:

Trump probably couldn't handle a real shift at the fryer, but it seems like McDonald's spokesperson, not president, is his true calling.

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