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Long-Term Energy Infrastructure Strategic Plan

Long-Term Energy Infrastructure Strategic Plan


New plan provides a blueprint for the UK's energy infrastructure to 2050, providing stability for investors A more strategic approach will help reduce grid connection latencies, reduce overall system costs and accelerate the government's mission to become a clean energy superpower This will be Committee of Energy Ministers for England, Scotland and Wales National Energy System Operator (NESO) establishes first energy space plan for 2026

The location of new energy infrastructure will be set out in a strategic plan to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and accelerate the government's clean energy superpower mission.

Taking this more strategic approach will provide much-needed long-term certainty and stability for investors and accelerate the growth of the UK's clean energy industry, creating more jobs and improving lives in communities across the UK.

Building on work to deliver clean power by 2030, energy ministers from the Scottish, Welsh and UK governments have tasked the newly formed National Energy System Operator (NESO) with the first strategic spatial plan for energy to 2050 across the land and region. requested to establish. British sea. Planning energy infrastructure in this way can reduce grid connection latency and give investors certainty about when and where to build.

The publicly owned agency will explore how best to spread new energy projects across the country in a way that takes into account other sectors, including transportation, water supply and the environment. This wide-angle lens can speed up project delivery and reduce overall system costs, ultimately saving consumers money.

The first iteration of the plan is expected to be released in 2026 and will focus on power generation and storage, including hydrogen assets, from offshore wind farms to pumped storage hydropower.

Energy Secretary Michael Shanks said:

To spur growth and investment in a clean energy future, we need to provide investors with the long-term certainty and stability they have wanted.

That is why a more strategic approach to energy systems is needed. This will allow us to quickly scale investments in the right infrastructure where it is needed, lower costs and accelerate the transition to clean power.

Implementing the nation's first spatial plan will be a major milestone for our new public energy agency.

Rebecca Evans, Welsh Government Minister for Economy, Energy and Planning, said:

We welcome this strategic approach to our energy system, which will reduce overall costs and bring certainty to our communities.

In Wales, we have been developing plans to meet our energy needs at local, regional and national levels for many years and we look forward to working with NESO and other organizations to feed these UK-wide plans. Doing this right will help us deliver the best possible outcomes for our communities and industries by carefully developing the clean energy we need to power them.

Gillian Martin MSP, Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy, said:

I am committed to working with other governments to accelerate progress towards Scotland’s economy and net zero targets.

Key to the success of the scheme is ensuring that investor confidence is maintained across the board.

It is also important to consider the nature of the devolved policies and ambitions, ensure they deliver real benefits to the people and communities of Scotland, and support our ongoing commitment to a just transition.

I look forward to working with the English and Welsh Governments as this plan develops.

Kayte ONeill, NESO’s Chief Operating Officer, said:

We are delighted to have a formal committee as NESO to develop this plan and bring together our and our partners’ expertise to develop a critical blueprint for the UK’s future energy system.

By setting out route options, engaging across government, regulators, wider industry, stakeholders and the community, and exploring requirements at a more local and regional level, we identify where and what type of electricity and storage technology is needed. You can do it. Meeting our future demands and decarbonization ambitions.

Alistair Phillips-Davies, SSE CEO:

As one of the largest investors in the UK's clean power sector, we are very supportive of the Strategic Space Energy Plan. Ensuring long-term stability through spatial planning and policy mechanisms is critical to attracting billions of pounds of investment across the country, supporting good jobs and building a cleaner, cheaper and safer domestic energy system.

Jonathan Brearley, CEO of Ofgem, said:

I warmly welcome and strongly support this commission, which is creating the first national energy blueprint for the UK's future energy system.

This will be a true game-changer, stimulating growth and investment, accelerating the creation of new infrastructure, and accelerating innovation and technology. This will be a major stepping stone towards delivering on the government's mission to deliver clean electricity by 2030 and accelerate the transition to net zero.

Ofgem will work closely with the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments and NESO to protect consumers and deliver clean power at the lowest possible cost.

NESO will develop several options for what the future energy system will look like to present to ministers. The selected options will be subject to public consultation along with a detailed environmental assessment.

Note to editors

Minister Shanks will launch SSEP at a parliamentary event today.

NESO plans to publish a consultation on the methodology later this year and deliver its plans in 2026.

View SSEP Letters and Commissions




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