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Donald Trump suggests he was literally anointed by God

Donald Trump suggests he was literally anointed by God


Seeking to consolidate conservative Christian voters in North Carolina on Monday, Donald Trump presented himself as a kind of religious warrior, anointed by the supernatural hand of God to win a second term. I would like to think that God saved me for a purpose, the former president told a gathering of conservative pastors in Concord, North Carolina, saying his faith had deepened since the attack on his life at a rally in Pennsylvania in July. And this to make our country greater than ever.

The remarks, coming a day after his vulgar rant about the anatomy of the late golfer Arnold Palmer, and amid ever-darker threats against his villainous political adversaries, were part of an effort to increase turnout within a electoral bloc which helped him reach the White House in 2016, but which, according to Trump, has a reputation for not voting proportionally.

Christians and gun owners don't vote, Trump said.

Social conservatives helped Trump win the presidency eight years ago, largely on his promise to nominate Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. They got their wish. Trump's three appointments helped form a six-member conservative majority that ended federal abortion protections, but one of the few promises Trump kept proved a major political liability for Republicans, so that reproductive rights continue to excite Democratic and moderate voters. Trump has tried to skirt the issue this cycle, boasting about killing Roe while suggesting he was actually a moderate on abortion. Just last week, despite only recently learning about IVF from Alabama Sen. Katie Britt, Trump went so far as to call himself the father of the procedure, irritating some conservative Christians eager to see him enact a national ban on abortion.

While continuing to conceal the extremism of his anti-abortion agenda, Trump has sought to court the religious right by portraying Kamala Harris and Democrats as radical heretics and making other promises to Christians. One of them, as he pointed out Monday, was the rejection of the Johnson Amendment of 1954, which prohibits churches and other nonprofit organizations from supporting political candidates. The radical left is not going to leave Christians alone, Trump said at the 11th meeting of religious leaders in North Carolina, a swing state for next month's elections. It will get worse and you will suffer a lot.

Trump has never hesitated to present himself as the savior of the supposedly persecuted Christian conservative. But he and his allies and supporters have done so with even greater fervor since surviving an assassination attempt this summer in Butler, Pa.: If you didn't believe in miracles before [the rally]you better believe it now, Sen. Tim Scott said on stage at the Republican National Convention days after the shooting. There is a hand of God on my father's shoulder, his son Eric Trump said Monday on a right-wing Christian podcast, describing the election as one battle in a constant war in this country against God.




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