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Imran Khan's ex-wife advises Hania Aamir: Don't get married now, aim for the Indian film industry

Imran Khan's ex-wife advises Hania Aamir: Don't get married now, aim for the Indian film industry


Reham Khan, the famous journalist and ex-wife of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, recently offered some sage advice to rising star Hania Aamir. While Hania's acting career is flourishing, Reham suggested that the young actress should prioritize her professional development over her personal commitments, particularly marriage, and consider broadening her horizons to the Indian film industry.

Reham, who worked with Hania in the 2016 film Janaan, has closely followed the actress' remarkable journey from social media sensation to one of Pakistan's most loved stars. Reflecting on Hania's beginnings in creating Dubsmash videos, Reham shared his pride in seeing the actress evolve into a top talent in the entertainment world. Hania is truly a one-of-a-kind talent, Reham remarked, adding that the actress's success was inevitable because of her dedication and charm.

Focus on career rather than marriage Reham Khan's advice came with a strong message: Hania should focus on her career at this pivotal time. Hania should not think about marriage at all right now, Reham advised. She emphasized that this stage of Hania's career is crucial and that hard work and focus will be the key to her long-term success. Reham's own experiences in the public eye have given her valuable insight and she hopes Hania makes the most of her current opportunities. According to Reham, Hania has the potential to leave a significant mark beyond the borders of Pakistan. She could easily succeed in Bollywood if she continues to focus on her acting career, Reham shared, expressing confidence in Hania's ability to break into the larger film industry if she maintains her current trajectory. After the success of Hania, Reham also expressed his admiration for Hania's work in his film. the ongoing drama Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum, which was well received by the audience. As a supportive fan and mentor, Reham's encouragement of Hania highlights the actress' growing popularity and the potential for her career to reach new heights. Reflecting on Hania's talent, Reham shared that the actress has an undeniable screen presence, which sets her apart in the industry. “If Hania doesn’t realize how talented she is, someone else surely will,” Reham noted, urging the young actress to seize every opportunity that comes her way. For Hania Aamir, Reham's advice serves as a reminder to stay focused on the big picture and prioritize. Career growth rather than settling in at this stage. Reham's words carry weight, especially given his personal and professional experiences in media and public life. By following this advice, Hania has the potential to reach even greater heights, eventually expanding her influence into Bollywood and. beyond.




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