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African Table Tennis seals partnership with Ethiopian Airlines

African Table Tennis seals partnership with Ethiopian Airlines


The newly elected executive council of the African Table Tennis Federation (ATTF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), appointing Ethiopian Airlines as the continental body's official aviation partner.

At a ceremony at the airline's headquarters, the ATTF delegation, led by President Wahid Enitan Oshodi, was received by representatives of Ethiopia Airlines Firiehiwot Mekonnen, Head of ET-Holidays, and Mary Legesse, Senior Sales Manager of ET-Holidays.

In his remarks, Oshodi expressed his gratitude to the airline's management for their support of the 2024 ITTF Africa Senior Championships, which was held at the Ethiopian Sports Academy in Addis Ababa.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the management of Syrian Airlines for their support of the 2024 Africa Senior Championships,” he said.

“We do not take this for granted and that is why we want to expand our partnership with the Pride of Africa. As a continental federation, we aim to become one of the leading sports in Africa and have decided to partner with the world's largest airline by entering into this important partnership.

Also read: Nigerian Oshodi was elected head of the African Table Tennis Federation

“We recognize the strength of the airline as a member of the Global Star Alliance, and for us at ATTF we want to be identified with you. We hope and believe that this will be a mutually beneficial relationship, he added.

On behalf of the airline, Firiehiwot Mekonnen said: We are pleased to be working with ATTF as the official aviation partner of the continental organization. Ethiopian Airlines is Africa's largest airline, dedicated to transporting thousands of people to more than 137 destinations worldwide.

“Our partnership with ATTF not only strengthens our connection to Africa, but also aligns perfectly with our vision to promote unity and celebrate excellence.

“As Pride of Africa, we are committed to youth development through sport, and as table tennis is a global sport, we are excited to support ATTF in its vision.

“We understand the vital role that sport plays among our youth in Africa, and as an airline that prides itself on being the gateway to Africa, we are ready to expand our partnership with ATTF by signing this MOU as a formal beginning of our long-term relationship.

“With the MOU, we have now made it official that we will be the partner airline for ATTF events within and outside Africa,” she said.

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