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Terrorist attack on Turkish state-owned aerospace company kills at least four people, official says

Terrorist attack on Turkish state-owned aerospace company kills at least four people, official says


Ankara — Four people were killed and 14 others injured in an attack on the headquarters of a major Turkish defense company near Ankara, Turkish officials said Wednesday.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was speaking in Russia with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the time of the attack, confirmed the death toll and condemned what he called a “heinous terrorist attack” against the state-owned Turkish company. Aerospace Industries (TAI).

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said three of the injured were in critical condition and that two attackers, “a woman and a man, had been neutralized.”

He said work was underway to determine their identities, but did not say whether other attackers were still at large.

Local media broadcast video showing clouds of smoke and a large fire raging at the site of Kahramankazan, a small town about 40 km north of Ankara.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. Turkey's Defense Ministry later reported that in response it carried out strikes against Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq and northern Syria, Reuters reported.

Turkey has been fighting Kurdish insurgents based in the south of the country for decades. Turkish forces have carried out numerous cross-border offensives against the PKK and its allied group, the YPG, in northern Iraq and Syria in recent years.

Turkish aerospace industry facilities targeted by terrorist attack in Ankara
Smoke rises as security forces, firefighters and paramedics are dispatched to Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) facilities after explosions and gunshots were reported following a terrorist attack in Kahramankazan district of Ankara, Turkey on October 23, 2024.

Ismail Kaplan/Anadolu/Getty

During their summit in Kazan, Putin expressed his condolences over the attack.

Media outlets broadcasting live video from the scene were forced to halt their broadcasts after Turkey's media watchdog ordered the footage to be removed from the site.

Haberturk television said there was a “hostage situation” underway, without giving further details, while private television NTV reported gunfire after an initial explosion around 4 p.m. local time (8 p.m. hours, Eastern Time).

The PKK is designated as a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union, and its fight against the Turkish government has left tens of thousands dead since the mid-1980s.

Wednesday's attack near Ankara took place as a major defense and aerospace industry fair was being held in Istanbul, where Ukraine's top diplomat visited this week.

Turkey's defense sector, widely known for its Bayraktar drones, accounts for nearly 80% of the country's export earnings, with revenues expected to exceed $10.2 billion in 2023. The drones are not manufactured by TAI .




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