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Harris pounces on General Kelly's claim that Trump said Hitler did good things | US Election News 2024

Harris pounces on General Kelly's claim that Trump said Hitler did good things | US Election News 2024


The US vice president said the comments, which Trump denies saying, are a window into who the Republican nominee really is.

Washington, DC As the US election enters its home stretch, Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign is amplifying scathing comments from a former senior White House official, who served under Donald Trump, suggesting that the candidate Republican is a fascist.

In remarks published Tuesday evening in The New York Times, Trump's longest-serving White House chief of staff, Gen. John Kelly, said he had seen the former president speak positively about Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

He repeatedly commented, “You know, Hitler did good things, too,” Kelly told the New York Times.

A former Marine general, Kelly served as secretary of Homeland Security during the early months of Trump's presidency in 2017 before becoming White House chief of staff, a position he held until 2019.

In a separate article, The Atlantic magazine reported, citing two unidentified sources, that Trump told the White House that he needed the kind of generals Hitler had.

Harris said these reports are a window into who Donald Trump really is.

Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable, she told reporters outside the White House on Wednesday, warning that in a second term, officials like Kelly would not be there to rein him in.

She continued: So the bottom line is this: we know what Donald Trump wants; he wants uncontrolled power. The question in 13 days will be: What do the American people want?

Earlier in the day, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris' running mate, delivered a similar message, urging Americans to vote for the Democratic ticket against what he called the descent into madness of Trump.

After voting early, Walz told reporters he appreciated Kelly's exit at that time. I ask the American public to go see what he is saying and watch this descent, he said.

On social media, Harris' campaign posted several messages amplifying Kelly and The Atlantic's claims.

The Trump campaign denied that the former president made the comments, accusing Kelly of telling debunked stories.

While in the White House, Kelly defended some of Trump's most controversial policies, including the executive order banning travelers from several majority-Muslim countries.

Civil rights groups argued at the time that the executive order was based on bigotry and an extension of Trump's promise as a candidate to ban all Muslims from entering the country. But Kelly insisted the ban was legal and necessary for national security.

Fascist definition

In his recent comments to the New York Times, Kelly said Trump fits the definition of a fascist.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fascism as a populist ideology associated with a centralized autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader.

He adds that fascism is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and forced repression of opposition.

Kelly also said Trump admires authoritarian leaders and prefers the dictatorial approach to government.

Successive presidents of both major parties have maintained close relationships with governments and autocratic leaders around the world.

On Wednesday, Trump released a campaign ad proclaiming that he is a patriot who has always fought for America.




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