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BRICS 2024: PM Modi highlights IPU success story, calls for global unity against terrorism | Read the full remarks

BRICS 2024: PM Modi highlights IPU success story, calls for global unity against terrorism | Read the full remarks


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday participated in the closed and open plenary sessions of the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia. The Kazan declaration was adopted during Wednesday's sessions.

During the closed-door plenary session, Prime Minister Modi highlighted the need for a people-centric approach to solving global challenges. He also called for a reform of multilateralism. The Prime Minister even highlighted the importance of dialogue and diplomacy for global peace and stability. “We support dialogue and diplomacy, not war,” he said.

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Hours later, Prime Minister Modi spoke at the open plenary, emphasizing the need for “workforce skills, health security, sustainable development, economic growth and innovation.” Here is the full text of Prime Minister Modi's speech during these two sessions:

PM Modi's remarks at the closed-door plenary of the 16th BRICS Summit

[It’s an approximate translation of PM Midi’s remarks. Original remarks were delivered in Hindi]

I express my sincere gratitude to President Putin for the wonderful organization of today's meeting.

I am very happy that we are meeting for the first time today as an extended BRICS family. I warmly welcome all new friends who have joined the BRICS family.

I congratulate President Putin for Russia's successful presidency of BRICS over the past year.

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Our meeting takes place at a time when the world faces several pressing challenges such as wars, economic uncertainty, climate change and terrorism. The world talks about North-South division and East-West division.

Preventing inflation, ensuring food security, energy security, health security, water security, are priority issues for all countries in the world.

And in the age of technology, new challenges have emerged like cyber deepfake, disinformation.

Currently, there are high expectations for BRICS. I believe that as a diverse and inclusive platform, BRICS can play a positive role in all areas.

In this regard, our approach must remain people-centered. We must make the world understand that BRICS is not a divisive organization but works in the interests of humanity.

We support dialogue and diplomacy, not war. And just as we were able to overcome a challenge like COVID together, we are certainly able to create new opportunities to ensure a safe, strong and prosperous future for future generations.

In order to fight terrorism and the financing of terrorism, we need the resolute and firm support of all. There is no room for double standards on this serious matter. We must take active steps to end the radicalization of young people in our countries.

We must work together on the long-pending UN issue of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.

Likewise, we need to work on global regulations for cybersecurity and for safe and secure AI.

India is ready to welcome new countries into BRICS as partner countries.

In this regard, all decisions must be taken by consensus and the views of the founding members of BRICS must be respected. The guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures adopted at the Johannesburg Summit must be respected by all member and partner countries.

BRICS is an organization keen to evolve with the times. By setting our own example to the world, we must collectively and unitedly raise our voice for reforms of global institutions.

We must advance time-bound reforms of global institutions such as the UN Security Council, multilateral development banks and the WTO.

As we continue our efforts in BRICSwe must ensure that this organization does not give the image of an organization that is trying to replace global institutions, instead of being seen as an organization that wants to reform them.

We must also keep in mind the hopes, aspirations and expectations of the countries of the South. During our Voice of the Global South summits and our G20 presidency, India has brought the voices of these countries to the global stage. I am happy that these efforts are also being strengthened within the framework of BRICS. Last year, African countries were integrated into BRICS.

Also this year, several countries from the South were invited by Russia.

The BRICS group, born from the confluence of different viewpoints and ideologies, is a source of inspiration for the world, promoting positive cooperation.

Our diversity, mutual respect and tradition of moving forward on the basis of consensus form the basis of our cooperation. This quality of ours and our BRICS spirit also attracts other countries to this forum. I am convinced that in the times to come, together we will make this unique platform a model of dialogue, cooperation and coordination.

In this regard, as Founding member of BRICSIndia will always continue to shoulder its responsibilities.

Once again, a big thank you to all of you.”

PM Modi's remarks at the open plenary of the 16th BRICS Summit

“Your Highness,

Congratulations to President Putin for the excellent organization of the 16th BRICS Summit.

And once again, warm welcome to all the new friends who have joined BRICS. In their new avatar, BRICS represents 40 percent of global humanity and about 30 percent of the global economy.

Over the past two decades, BRICS has achieved many milestones. I am confident that in times to come, this organization will emerge as a more effective means of confronting global challenges.

I would also like to convey my warm greetings to Her Excellency Dilma Rousseff, President of the New Development Bank.

Over the past ten years, this bank has established itself as an important option for the development needs of countries in the South. The opening of GIFT or Gujarat International Finance Tech City in India as well as regional centers in Africa and Russia have boosted the activities of this bank. And development projects value approximately $35 billion has been sanctioned. The NDB should continue to work on the basis of the demand principle. And, while growing the bank, ensuring long-term financial viability, good credit rating and market access should remain a priority.

In its new, expanded avatar, BRICS has emerged as a $30 trillion-plus economy. BRICS Business Council and BRICS Women Business Alliance have played a particular role in strengthening our economic cooperation.

This year, the consensus reached within BRICS on WTO reforms, trade facilitation in the agricultural sector, resilient supply chains, e-commerce and special economic zones will strengthen our economic cooperation. Among all these initiatives, we should also focus on the interests of small and medium-sized businesses. large-scale industries.

I am happy that the BRICS Startup Forum proposed during the Indian presidency in 2021 will be launched this year. The Railway Research Network initiative taken by India also plays an important role in increasing logistics and supply chain connectivity among BRICS countries. This year, the consensus reached by BRICS countries, in collaboration with UNIDO, to prepare a skilled workforce for Industry 4.0 is quite significant.

The BRICS Vaccine R&D Center, launched in 2022, helps increase health security in all countries. We would be happy to share India's successful experience in digital health with BRICS partners.

Climate change is a topic of our shared priority.

The consensus reached for the BRICS open carbon market partnership under the Russian presidency is welcome. In India too, there is a strong focus on green growth, climate-resilient infrastructure and green transition. Indeed, India has taken several initiatives such as the International Solar Alliance, the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, Mission LiFE ie Lifestyle for Environment, Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam or even a tree in the name of the mother.

Last year, at COP-28, we launched an important initiative called Green Credit. I invite BRICS partners to join these initiatives.

Special emphasis is placed on infrastructure construction in all BRICS countries.

We have created a digital platform called Gati-Shakti portal to rapidly expand multi-modal connectivity in India. This helped in integrated planning and implementation of infrastructure development and reduced logistics costs.

We will be happy to share our experiences with you all.

We welcome efforts to increase financial integration among BRICS countries.

Trade in local currency and the fluidity of cross-border payments will strengthen our economic cooperation. The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) developed by India is a huge success story and has been adopted in many countries.

Last year, in collaboration with His Highness Sheikh Mohamed, it was also launched in the UAE. We can also cooperate with other BRICS countries in this area.

India is fully committed to increasing cooperation within the framework of BRICS.

Our strong belief in our diversity and our multipolarity is our strength. This strength of ours and our shared belief in humanity will help give meaningful shape to a prosperous and bright future for generations to come.

I thank everyone for the very important and valuable discussions today.

As the next President of BRICS, I extend my sincere best wishes to President Lula. India will extend its full support to the success of your BRICS Chairmanship.

Once again, many thanks to President Putin and all leaders.”

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