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Government crackdown on disposable vapes

Government crackdown on disposable vapes


New legislation has been tabled in parliament to ban the sale of disposable vapes from 1 June 2025, Circular Economy Minister Mary Creagh confirmed today.

Disposable vapes are either rechargeable or non-refillable and are usually recycled and thrown away as regular trash or in the trash instead of flooding the streets with trash. Even if they are sent to a recycling facility, they typically have to be disassembled by hand, a slow and difficult process that can't keep up with the speed of vape production. Lithium-ion batteries may also pose a fire hazard to waste industry workers.

Last year, it was estimated that around five million disposable vapes were discarded or discarded as general waste each week in the UK. This is almost four times the previous year and equates to eight items being discarded per second. In 2022, more than 40 tons of lithium will be discarded from disposable vapes. This is equivalent to the amount used to power 5,000 electric vehicles.

Make the sale of disposable vapes illegal, deliver on the government's promise to take action on this important issue, start the drive towards a circular economy and curb the rise of young people using vaping, while protecting our natural environment. It helps you do that. Environment and city streets with a tide of trash.

Vape use in the UK has increased by more than 400% between 2012 and 2023, with 9.1% of the UK public now purchasing and using these products. The long-term health effects of vaping are unknown, the nicotine in vaping can be highly addictive, and withdrawal can cause anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and headaches.

Circular Economy Minister Mary Creagh said:

Disposable vapes are extremely wasteful and are devastating our towns and cities.

That's why we're banning disposable vapes, ending the disposable culture in this country.

This is the first step towards a circular economy that makes resources last longer, reduces waste, accelerates the path to net-zero and creates thousands of jobs across the country.

Minister for Public Health and Prevention Andrew Gwynne said:

It is very worrying that a quarter of children aged 11 to 15 used vapes last year. We know that disposables are the product of choice for most kids who vape today.

Banning disposable vapes will not only protect the environment, but importantly, it will reduce the appeal of vapes to children and keep them out of the hands of vulnerable youth.

The Government will also introduce the Tobacco and Vape Bill, the biggest public health intervention in a generation, which will prevent young people from becoming addicted to nicotine and pave the way for a smoke-free UK.

The public is in favor of restricting the sale and supply of disposable vapes, with 69% of respondents to the February 2024 consultation supporting the proposal.

Banning these vapes will prevent them from being thrown into the trash can along with regular trash. Typically landfilled or incinerated, lithium-ion batteries can pose a fire hazard and reduce air quality. It also prevents plastic, lead and mercury from leaching into the environment, where they can pollute waterways and poison wildlife.

The government has prepared legislation to introduce the ban, which, if approved by parliament, would give companies until June 1, 2025, to sell any remaining shares they hold and prepare for the ban to come into effect. The UK Government and devolved governments have been working closely together and will be coordinating the effective date.

Libby Peake, Head of Resources at Green Alliance, said:

Disposable vapes are the last thing our children and our planet need, and for too long the market for them has grown unchecked. Every single one wastes resources critical to a more sustainable economy, such as the lithium needed for the batteries that power electric vehicles.

If scattered as trash, the nicotine, plastic, batteries, etc. contained in it are all extremely harmful. Even putting it in a trash can can cause the battery to catch fire. It is right for the government to ban these harmful devices. This is a welcome step on the journey towards an economy that reduces waste by design.

Climate activist and environmental scientist Less Waste Laura said:

Disposable vapes have exploded onto the market, perhaps becoming the first mainstream disposable electronic device to litter our streets, reflecting the continued evolution of the tobacco industry.

The UK government's move to ban these single-use products in 2025 is a welcome and important step. The ban isn't just about cutting up abandoned vapes. This challenges the widespread increase in single-use technologies, leading to increased e-waste, resulting fire risks and the use of scarce materials.

I welcome this ban from a health perspective as well, and believe it is crucial to breaking the hold our youth have on vaping and challenging the disposable culture that threatens to suffocate our planet.

The recycling rate for household waste has fallen to 44.1% in 2022, according to recent government statistics.

The ban is part of the government's commitment to end the country's throwaway culture and stem the landslide that is filling our high streets, countryside and oceans.

The Environment Secretary has made moving towards a future that makes resources last longer, accelerating the path to net zero and increasing investment in critical infrastructure and green jobs one of his five key priorities.

Read more about the environmental costs of disposable vapes here.




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