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Supporters prepare for Donald Trump's campaign stop in Tempe

Supporters prepare for Donald Trump's campaign stop in Tempe


TEMPE, AZ (AZFamily) Former President Donald Trump recently made several stops in Arizona for his 2024 presidential campaign. He returned to the Valley Thursday, speaking at Mullett Arena on Arizona's campus State University.

Doors open at 10 a.m. and the event is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. The former president and his supporters are hoping to flip Arizona after losing to President Joe Biden in 2020.

A woman waiting to enter the venue Thursday morning said she first traveled from Casa Grande to a Trump rally. He's just the most dynamic, and I think that's great,” she said.

Chuck Coughlin, president of HighGround Inc., said he expects more candidate visits before the Nov. 5 general election, especially given the tight races in Arizona. He also expects younger voter turnout.

Younger people overwhelmingly support Harris, and Trump is struggling with that constituency, but if they turn out in higher proportions, it will be a game-changer, it will change the outcome of the election, Coughlin said.

Thursday won't be Trump's last visit to the Valley before Election Day. He is scheduled to appear at an event in Glendale on Halloween with popular conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson.

Before Trump's East Valley rally, the Harris campaign released a statement calling him a risk to the country.

Those who know Donald Trump best are sounding the alarm about the risk he poses to the safety, security and future of our country and democracy. That's why a historic number of Arizona Republicans and independents are putting country before party and supporting Vice President Harris. Trump wants unchecked power, and it's up to Arizona voters to decide whether they'll let him have it, said James Martin, Arizona Rapid Response campaign director.

ASU Police say those going to the rally should be aware of heavy traffic congestion near the school.

Heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic is expected from morning until approximately 4:30 p.m., particularly near Rio Salado Parkway and Rural Road. Packard Drive will be closed from 8 p.m. until after the event.

Possible closures or restrictions could also affect Sixth Street, police said.

Due to large crowds, parking near Mullett Arena is expected to be limited. Attendees are encouraged to use public transportation, including light rail and Valley Metro buses, to reduce traffic congestion.

Stream the Trumps rally live on the Arizonas Family website and mobile and TV apps at 2 p.m.

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