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Trump ramps up insults against Harris as he faces scrutiny for alleged praise of Hitler | US elections 2024

Trump ramps up insults against Harris as he faces scrutiny for alleged praise of Hitler | US elections 2024


Donald Trump stepped up his personal insults against Kamala Harris at a rally Wednesday night in Georgia as he faces increasing scrutiny following reports of his praise of Hitler and his allegations of sexual misconduct.

This woman is crazy, the former president said at an event hosted by Turning Point USA, a far-right youth group, in the Atlanta suburb of Duluth. He said voters should stand up to the vice president and tell her: You are the worst ever. There's never been anyone like you. You can't put two sentences together. The world is laughing at us because of you. He also said that in her recent interview with CBS, she gave an answer that was crazy trash, later adding: She's not a smart person. He is a low IQ person.

The rally, less than two weeks before Election Day, came after the Guardian published an interview with a former model who accused Trump of groping her at Trump Tower in 1993 after notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein presented them, an allegation denied by the Trump campaign. Stacey Williams said it felt like the unwanted touching was part of a twisted game between the two men and that it seemed like Epstein and Trump were really, really good friends and spent a lot of time together.

Williams' account put the spotlight back on the nearly two dozen women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct throughout his career. Harris, campaigning with former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney, who sought to encourage Republican women to support the Democrat.

The rally in Georgia also came after Harris' surprise speech in Washington DC on Wednesday, when she denounced the former president as a fascist who wants unchecked power. John Kelly, Trump's former chief of staff and retired Marine general, told the New York Times this week that he thought Trump met the definition of fascist and was certainly an authoritarian. He also said that Trump had repeatedly said: Hitler also did good things.

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In a typically rambling speech, Trump went off on meandering tangents about Google (Google treats us a lot better. Notice? What happened to Google?); McDonalds (McDonalds was one of the most viewed things that [Google] never had); Emmanuel Macron (I stopped the wars with France); Richard Nixon (it wasn't good when they found out he had recorded every conversation); and the names of the vice presidents (you can't call her Harris because no one knows who you're talking about).

He threatened to sue CBS' 60 Minutes, repeating false claims that the station manipulated Harris' interview after Trump pulled out of his scheduled interview with the program. He repeated his threat a second time about an hour later in his speech.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, the former independent presidential candidate, also sided with Trump in Georgia, calling Kelly a notorious liar. Trump didn't address Kelly at the rally, but on Truth Social he called his former chief of staff a LOWLIFE and a total degenerate.

At a faith-focused town hall in Zebulon, Georgia, on Wednesday, Trump praised Viktor Orbn, the nationalist Hungarian prime minister who has been condemned for undermining democratic institutions and aligning himself with Moscow and Beijing.

Asked about his faith, Trump responded: When you believe in God, that's a big advantage over people who don't have that. He then falsely suggested that he had undergone more investigations than the famous gangster Al Capone.




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