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Xi Jinping meets Russian President Vladimir Putin

Xi Jinping meets Russian President Vladimir Putin


On the afternoon of October 22, 2024 local time, President Xi Jinping met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kazan Kremlin.

Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, Xi Jinping said that China-Russia relations have progressed despite wind and rain over the past 75 years and found the good path for two large neighboring countries to come closer together. get along without alliance, without confrontation and without targeting any third party. The two sides acted in the spirit of lasting good-neighborliness and friendship, comprehensive strategic coordination and mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. , and continued to deepen and expand their comprehensive strategic coordination and practical cooperation in various fields. This has provided strong impetus to the development, revitalization and modernization of the two countries and made significant contributions to improving the well-being of the Chinese and Russian people and safeguarding international fairness and justice. century, which has given rise to a turbulent and rapidly changing international landscape, but the deep and enduring friendship between China and Russia will not change, nor will their sense of responsibilities as major countries for the world and for the people. Despite the complex and serious external situation, bilateral cooperation in trade and other fields has been actively promoted and large-scale cooperation projects have been carried out steadily. The two sides should continue to promote deeper synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union to provide strong support for the Belt and Road Initiative and the Economic Union Eurasian. high-quality development of their respective economies.

Xi Jinping pointed out that next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major countries in the world, China and Russia should deepen comprehensive strategic coordination, strengthen communication and collaboration within multilateral frameworks such as the UN and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, promote a righteous view of World War II, firmly uphold the UN-centered international system, and jointly safeguard global strategic stability and international fairness and justice.

Xi Jinping stressed that the BRICS mechanism is the world's most important platform for solidarity and cooperation between emerging markets and developing countries. China highly commends Russia's great efforts as BRICS Chairman for the BRICS Summit. Xi Jinping said he looks forward to having in-depth discussions with leaders of other BRICS countries on the future development of the BRICS mechanism to build consensus among parties, send a positive message of solidarity and cooperation, and make advance strategic coordination and practical cooperation among BRICS countries in various fields. By doing so, they can guarantee more opportunities for countries in the South.

Vladimir Putin said that not long ago he and President Xi Jinping celebrated the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China. Over the past 75 years, Russia and China have become comprehensive strategic coordination partners for the new era, with bilateral relations maintaining high-level growth and setting an example for a new model of major-country relations. equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit. Thanks to the joint efforts of the two sides, pragmatic cooperation between the two countries in various fields has continued to advance, and activities related to the Russia-China Cultural Years have been successfully carried out. Russia hopes to further deepen cooperation with China to boost the development and revitalization of the two countries. Noting that next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II, Vladimir Putin said that Russia and China have made significant sacrifices for victory in the global fight against terrorism. fascist war, and Russia is willing to jointly commemorate this milestone with China. Russia is willing to maintain close high-level exchanges, strategic communication and coordination with China in international affairs to jointly safeguard global fairness, justice and strategic stability. He appreciated China's strong support during Russia's BRICS presidency. Russia is ready to work closely with China to ensure the success of the first BRICS summit after its expansion and to promote continued positive results in expanded BRICS cooperation.

The two heads of state also had an in-depth exchange of views on major international and regional issues of common interest and concern.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi, among others, were present at the meeting.




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