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Why Harris' closing argument is more about Trump than her

Why Harris' closing argument is more about Trump than her


With days before an election that could return Donald Trump to the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris will make her closing arguments to voters next week at The Ellipse, a sprawling 52-acre oval lawn in Washington between the White House and the National. Mall.

The location is no coincidence. It was there that Trump encouraged his supporters to help him overturn his January 6, 2021 election defeat, sparking a violent storming of the Capitol. If Mike Pence does the right thing, Trump told the crowd he gathered that day, we will win the election. It was a lie. His aides had already told Trump that Pence had no authority to change the outcome.

For Harris, it is the echoes of the recent past on this lawn that are important. With polls showing her and Trump essentially tied in all seven battleground states, the Harris campaign believes emphasizing the former president's admiration for dictators and his vindictive remarks is the good approach in the final straight. Focus groups in these critical states found that undecided voters are more likely to support Harris when she talks about turning the page on Trump's dark worldview and when they remember the many people who worked closely collaboration with Trump and do not trust him to be president. again, according to a campaign aide.

Recent reports that former senior Trump officials called him a fascist have helped the campaign build on that message. Harris has increasingly used the word to describe Trump in recent days. A digital ad released Thursday by the Harris campaign shows menacing black-and-white images of Trump while a voiceover of Harris cites his admiration for dictators and calls him unstable and unfit to serve.

It's a strategy the campaign plans to continue implementing in the coming days and further emphasize in its speech at The Ellipse on Tuesday. Harris wants Americans to remember what Trump said on Jan. 6 and tie that to the former president's recent comments laying out his autocratic view of the presidency. The event will follow a high-profile rally Friday in Houston, where Beyoncé is expected to perform and aims to highlight the Republican ban on abortion.

Trump wrote on his social media platform on Wednesday that Harris' latest criticism of him came from her evil mind and that she escalated it because she saw she was losing.

A recent Trump town hall hosted by Univision gave the Harris camp plenty of new fodder. Trump has said he wants extreme power and has called his opponents dangerous and enemies from within. He also called January 6 a day of love in which “nothing” was “done wrong.” Given the opportunity on Fox News to explain these comments, Trump doubled down, saying that January 6 was beautiful and that it was accurate to call his fellow Americans enemies.

The Harris campaign is also amplifying striking comments coming from former senior Trump officials. John Kelly, who served as Trump's longest-serving White House chief of staff and served as secretary of Homeland Security, told the New York Times that Trump preferred the dictatorial approach to government and recalled that Trump told him that Hitler had also done good things. Mark Milley, Trump's former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called Trump a fascist to the core, according to a book by Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward.

Read more: Former Trump aides warn of secret presidential powers in crisis

This represents a change for Harris. After President Joe Biden made Trump's threat to democracy a driving force in his successful campaign for president in 2020, he continued that strategy as his party defended the Senate in 2022 and during the reelection campaign which he officially launched in early 2024. Leaders have complained that Biden needs to talk more about issues such as the economy. When Biden dropped out in late July, Harris took a different approach.

As she introduced herself to the American public, Harris initially moved away from gloomy predictions about Trump's autocracy and projected a forward-looking message emphasizing what she would do to reduce housing costs and health care and roll back restrictions on abortion. Instead of talking about the grave danger Trump poses to democracy, Harris described herself as a former prosecutor who knew how to forcefully present arguments against Trump to voters. That much was clear the day she took over Biden's campaign headquarters in Wilmington. Harris told the assembled staff that her campaign isn't just about us versus Donald Trump. Someone in the room shouted: Preach!

But now, with just over a week until the polls close, Harris' final pitch to voters is essentially about drawing the same contrast with Trump that Biden has emphasized for years. That's partly because of the increasing frequency of Trump's comments that are raising concerns among many voters about what he would do if he regained presidential power. But as the race tightens, the Harris campaign also believes that sounding the alarm will push the few remaining voters who aren't already in a declared camp to her side.




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