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World Table Tennis for Health Congress 2024 kicks off, promoting global health and wellness through the practice of table tennis

World Table Tennis for Health Congress 2024 kicks off, promoting global health and wellness through the practice of table tennis


The World Table Tennis for Health Congress 2024, organized by the ITTF Foundation, launched today in Maizires-ls-Metz, France, alongside online sessions, to mark two days dedicated to exploring the intersection of table tennis and health. ITTF President Petra Srling officially opened the conference, which brings together thought leaders, health professionals and sports organizations to highlight how table tennis can play a transformative role in physical and mental health.

Led by Taisa Belli, Chair of the ITTF Sport Science and Medical Committee, the conference delves into various health-oriented topics through expert-led sessions. Today's sessions included insights from UNESCO's Philipp Mller-Wirth, who presented on the Fit for Life initiative, focusing on supporting Member States in developing inclusive sports policies and expanding investments in physical activity as crucial elements of sustainable health.

Further presentations included neuroscientist Liz Franz from the University of Otago, who shared research on how table tennis could serve as a tool for healthy aging, especially against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Conversations with experts such as Denis Obert, a physiotherapist specializing in Parkinson's disease, Dr. Yasunobu Hoshino from Juntendo University Hospital, and Daniel Rodriguez, CEO of Sense4Care, provided advice on how table tennis can improve motor function and provide therapeutic benefits for people with Parkinson's. .

A highlight of the conference was the announcement of table tennis legend Zoran Primorac as the newest ambassador of the ITTF Foundation, joining current ambassadors Galia Dvorak, Ryu Seung-min and Sharath Kamal. Presented with its Ambassadors shirt by Petra Srling and HRH Princess Zeina Rashid of Jordan, Primorac will promote the impact of sport on health worldwide, in line with the Foundation's mission.

The conference continues tomorrow with sessions on implementing active aging initiatives, companion manuals for health-oriented table tennis and the potential of table tennis in Alzheimer's care. The event will also reflect on the recent World Table Tennis for Health Festival, focusing on building legacies and future directions in the integration of health and table tennis.

For more information about the World Table Tennis for Health Congress, visit the ITTF Foundations website.




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